They haven't been tested and could cause performance problems.
Well, that's why we're here for. Being a guinea pig sure is fun.
That said - don't make it a written rule, please. Keep just a reccomendation/warning to avoid disastrous games. At the end of the day, it's a modder's responsibility, not yours, to make the mod
work. As long as there is a way out of modded games if needed (insta surrender, doesn't count on boot/win ratios)*, there is no issue here.
*I assume, at least, you don't plan on making mods count as actual games any soon. It would only make sense since very likely some of them are going to be imbalanced or more luck-related. Which brings up a suggestion: a list of officially recognized mods whose gameplay effect is more or less acceptable to count as actual games, such as your randomized wastelands one.
That said, great one Fizzer! Bosses are pretty cool and I already have some applications in mind.
Straying a bit away:
Any hopes of making a "custom unit maker" in the future? This'd work like this - you'd set custom options for the unit, such as:
- Values - Strength of the unit. Commander is 7, for example.
- Mobility - Normal moving, can multi-attack, move only by airlift, move only every X turns, can't move...
- Checkmate Yes/No - Taking it instantly eliminates the player like the commander or not.
- Fixed value or Health Bar - Whether the value is a fixed number you have to beat in a single strike (like commanders) or a sum of "health" which you can weaken over time (like Bosses).
- Sprite - Pick whether it looks like the dank Commander or the boring Boss in-game.
- And whatever else people can think.
This'd be hard to make, since I believe it's impossible with the current settings in WarLight. Values, Mobility and Sprite I believe will be easy to edit by modding after some more hooks and such as added, but the Checkmate Yes/No and fixed value vs health bar might actually require some hardcoded features to be made flexible.