And on the 256th month of WarLight creation, the Fizzer god created CLOT system and the crowd gasped in amazement. Many CLOTs slowly came to be and slowly came to pass. Then suddenly the Deadman decided to create the so aptly and cleverly named Multi Day Ladder.
And all the elistist of the warlight realm rejoiced and made merry for mod could now play up to 10 games at a time in different strategic templates and Timinator could stall like only alhazi taught him too.
For so many years the legends of warlight such as Gui, Frankslimste, Motocross, Szeweningen and Gnuffles have asked for such a ladder, and finally, thanks to the Deadman it came upon us during the age of the Masters! might ask yourself: "am i not worthy of joining such a ladder?" and "will i not be pwned by Dunga's kid?" and you could very well be right, for the templates are many and strategically play you must, with great care and attention, or the Masters will make burger out of you.
But what if you stopped being a pussy and just joined for a couple months? The more middle level players there are, the wider the competitive tiers will become and everyone will have challenging games on their own level, and make merry.
And you might ask yourself: "how can i know more about this ladder then?"
Well, thank you for that question, and i'm so glad you asked because just as it happens we have just recently recorded a video explaining all about it and you can watch it right here: of the Dead and Muli are hard at work improving the best (and only CLOT) running Multi Day Ladder CLOT in existance.
Edited 4/13/2017 17:43:00