If you could pm me with what you have so far that would be great.
I'm only guaranteed off work Wednesdays and Sundays so I have to divide up my workload. I plan on focusing on this on Wednesday, as all other clan activities are relegated to Sunday.
I will allow substitutions up until next week though, so you have plenty of time to fine tune your lineup. This goes for all other clans as well.
Yeah, Hydra isn't ready yet. Players signed up but they don't cover all the templates so I need more time to search for specific players to fill the remaining 2 slots I have no one for. And I still need to figure out if the slots people were put into are good for them. All of this should be done by the weekend.
I finished GV's lineup on the 3rd, but I also spent a lot of time on my roster and my clan has over 70 members. Don't feel pressured - It only makes sense that some of you clan leaders are taking a longer time to finish your lineups than I did because of the amount of slots involved. I felt really lost in the beginning because of that and didn't think I could fill mine. xD