If people won't become altruistic, especially the rich people, then inequality will grow to such an extent, that it will probably lead to some kind of slave labor.
Edited 5/20/2017 20:18:43
My thoughts on the middle-class people.: 2017-05-20 21:01:59
No I'm actually a nice person. A bit harsh and impersonal but still reliable. Those who have played diplos with me know that I almost never betray allies.
That's not what defines you as a person.....
My thoughts on the middle-class people.: 2017-05-21 05:34:14
the white lower class are like a retarded dog. if you don't feed it and be nice to it, it will bite you and bark at you constantly and then elect a dimwitted manchild sexual predator as president of the uniited states.
My thoughts on the middle-class people.: 2017-05-21 06:15:09