Increase territory limit?: 2017-05-22 04:03:31 |
Level 5
Why 3,200? I get why there's map size limits--to save space. But as long as each territory is at least 20 x 20, it fits within the maximum 3330 x 2400 dimensions, and doesn't surpass the 2,000,000 byte limit, I don't see why the limit should be 3,200. Yes, it would be crazy for it to go higher, I agree--however, there are some players who would enjoy playing on a 4 or 5 thousand territory map. And even if there should be a limit, I think it should be higher than 3,200.
TL;DR: as long as it fits within the byte and canvas size limit, I don't see the point in having a limit.
Edited 5/22/2017 04:52:12
Increase territory limit?: 2017-05-22 11:44:58 |
҈ * TeeMee123҈ *
Level 55
yeah on his livestream or some video he showed how the unity version loads maps and turn history waaaaaay quicker
Edited 5/22/2017 11:45:20
Increase territory limit?: 2017-05-29 17:25:03 |
Master Shredtail
Level 58
A Brazil Municipality map would be amazing. It would have 5570 territories.
Increase territory limit?: 2017-05-29 21:07:54 |
Clint Eastwood
Level 59
Damn, I just Googled a picture of that. Making that would be a daunting task.