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Territories are not at the right place: 2017-05-29 21:52:17

Level 61

I am trying to upload my second version of my first map to the mapdesigner, but when I upload it the territories and onuslinks are not at the right place. (see pictures)
It would be nice with some help so I can finish my first map.

Edited 5/29/2017 21:52:40
Territories are not at the right place: 2017-05-30 04:45:43

Level 53
You got one very weird problem right there

Only time I've seen something similar was when I used optimization tools on my map
Territories are not at the right place: 2017-05-30 07:34:40

Level 57
Yes, my first guess would be that you used some kind of svg optimisation. Those do some weird things to your files.

Even if you didn't, though, I would have no idea how to solve it. I've seen similar problems before, and I've never found a good solution other than going back to previous versions. Did you make back-ups along the way?
Territories are not at the right place: 2017-05-30 12:06:22

Level 61
Unfortunately I have no back-ups. But when I make the exact same map again but with a few territories, they stay at the right place. So I will make the map from the new again.
Thanks for the help.
Territories are not at the right place: 2017-05-30 12:27:16

Level 53
at what point did this happen? I remember that your map was fine until now. Do you happen to remember what you changed in the savefile that went wrong?
Territories are not at the right place: 2017-05-30 14:14:36

Level 61
I made a complete new file because it was the first time I used inkscape, and I have not made things straight.
The problem is in the new file.
Territories are not at the right place: 2017-05-30 18:01:59

Level 57

When "making things straight" did you rotate the circle objects? I've found that if you rotate the axis of circles (which doesn't really change anything in inkscape), the warlight mapmaker does some really strange things with the circles (changing size, cutting them in half, possibly changing location too).

Otherwise, I really wouldn't know, and I'm afraid this'll be one of those mysteries that never get solved.

If the problem is gone now, though, I guess that's alright.
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