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AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:07

AWP Admin 
Level 35
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:10

AWP Admin 
Level 35
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:14

AWP Admin 
Level 35
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:18

AWP Admin 
Level 35
  • Very weird templates
    Where the gameplay is very different than the standards. Templates with game changing mechanics (MA, LD, ArmyCap, No-Split, Commanders, Changed kill rates), templates with many special settings. These are usually the controversial templates (hated by many but loved too)

  • Soft weird templates
    Where the gameplay is different a bit than the standards. Templates with no game changing mechanics, but with a few gimmicks (e.g. weird maps (symmetrical, brawly, big, etc.), weird bonuses (INSS, Super bonuses, negative bonuses, etc.), weird incomes, weird neutrals/wastelands, weird distribution, weird cards, weird fogs, extra armies, etc.)

  • Standard SR templates
    Those SR templates which do not belong to the weird categories

  • Standard WR templates
    Those WR templates which do not belong to the weird categories

Edited 1/8/2021 05:59:20
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:21

AWP Admin 
Level 35
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:26

AWP Admin 
Level 35
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:30

AWP Admin 
Level 35
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:34

AWP Admin 
Level 35
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:37

AWP Admin 
Level 35
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:42

AWP Admin 
Level 35

Edited 1/8/2021 05:58:58
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:45

AWP Admin 
Level 35
The Tour is 1 year old!

Welcome to the new home of The Tour.

Edited 6/6/2017 03:49:36
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
- downvoted post by AWP Admin
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-06-10 10:09:06

Level 55
Monthly Tour Update - 05/2017
  • The TOP10 on the Tour after May:

    First of all a good news, seems Pana didn't retire completely!
    Despite his reduced activity and earlier boots, he still could increase his advantage.
    He earned a nice 12-3 records (with 2 boot defeats) and got 250 additional points with an event win and a semifinal.

    MIFRAN earned a 7-4, Buns earned a 2-1 and MoD earned a 5-2 records, but neither of the rest of the Big Four gain any points because their already strong best of six results (only three 500 Series and one 250 Series events finished in the last month)

    Wini earned a 2-3 records and stay the same point level too (seems he is a major event specialist ;) )

    rakleader earned a good 8-4 records, and gain 135 points, but stay at the 6th position slightly reducing his point disadvantage to Wini, and slightly increased his point advantage over ANT who earned a 4-4 records and didn't get any points.

    FlyingBender did the only position change in the TOP10, he earned only a 4-3 records, but all his wins come from the Earthsea 500 Series event (resulting a semifinal) and gain 160 points, and reach the 8th position. I am happy that I can see him in a finals again after his hard period ;)

    Milly earned a 1-4 records from last month and lost one position to 9th.

    Hades earned a 2-1 records, and gain 25 points, and easy kept his TOP10 position.

  • Positions 11-20 on the Tour after May:

    DR. Love earned a 0-1, Hunta earned a 3-4 records and both Hydras stay in the same positions (Hunte gain 25 points though).

    Quicksilver no new activity, just like usual, albeit finally he joined to a few events in the Clay season :P

    ACL Tears earned a very nice 6-0 records (won the Red Dead Redemption 500 Series event), gain 490 points and did a nice position change from 26th to 14th!

    Although Timinator hasn't yet won any event, but his rank is continuously raising month by month. He earned now a nice 8-3 records, gain 305 points, and went from 21th to 15th position.

    CHRIS, Krzysztof and ps the three Tour veterans were in the 14th, 15th, 16th positions in last month, but all of them sunk now. CHRIS earned 3-4 records but 0 points and sunk to 16th positions. Krysztof earned 2-2 records and 25 points but sunk to 18th pos. ps earned 4-4 records, 25 points but sunk to 19th position.

    Seems that awesomeusername's momentum slow down (just compared to last months when he run very well) and earned "only" a 4-2 records and gain 170 points, raising from 19th to 17th (still raising though ;) )

    Emu Pub earned a 1-1 records, and gain 20 points but still sunk 3 positions (from 17th to 20th).

    The field is very very close around these positions!

  • You can find here the full Rankings after May:

  • Number one (plus full Rankings links) history per months:

  • Tour records:

  • Events informations:
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-06-11 03:03:37

Level 55
During my late update a new event finished in June, congrats time.

36. AWP World Tour - 500 Series - RAD-O§IL
Congratulations to Pardon99 for his first Tour event win! With this 500 points he will be in the TOP50 so no more need any wild card for him (I like when players give the wild card back so fast, because it certainly means that I gave the card to the right player ;) )
Congrats to Njord for his first final as well.
And congrats to the two Lynx members in the semifinals (although was an upset for me that none of them reach the final)

Here are the TOP16:

AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-06-12 04:23:47

Level 55
I made my monthly ongoing events analysis, based on the state of yesterday morning.
Here is the updated google docs:

I collected the present finals (F, SF, QF) positions from the ongoing events (+ the RAD-O§IL 500 Series event won by Pardon99), so here are the players with 2 or more finals (the + means still in the event):
  • 6
    Hades (1SF+, 1SF, 1QF+, 3QF)
  • 4
    rakleader (3F+, 1QF+)
  • 3
    Wini (1F+, 1SF, 1QF+)
    Master Bjarke (1F+, 1SF, 1QF+)
  • 2
    Pardon99 (1W, 1SF)
    ANT (1F+, 1SF+)
    Timinator (1F+, 1SF)
    Rento (1F+, 1QF+)
    INSIDE (1SF+, 1SF)
    Jackie Treehorn (1SF+, 1QF+)
    Rob (1SF, 1QF)
    ACL Tears (1QF+, 1QF)
    Muli (1QF+, 1QF)
    Pana (1QF+, 1QF)
    dry-clean-only (1QF+, 1QF)
    Emu Pub (1QF+, 1QF)
Additionally I collected all present major events (except fresh started Elitism Africa) and QF+ small events point status for the TOP20 + players above, and here are the Rankings based on those present minimum points (in the brackets the possible maximum points but only from majors):

Seems that the speed of the Big Four has decreased a bit :|
Pana has 270, Buns has 180, MIFRAN has 130 and MoD has 110 points only from the ongoing events (moreover MIFRAN and MoD hasn't got good growth opportunity from the ongoing events neither), this is not what we experienced before :O

But we have some raising stars ;)

rakleader has got 1440 (!) additional points from ongoing events, plus further growth opportunity too! And close opportunity, because he is in 3 finals (2 is Masters!) and if he win those 3 games, that means +900 points and the second place with 4670 points (!) for him. Btw, he is already in the 4th position, cleaving the Big Four :O

Wini overtook MoD too, he has a nice 795 additional points too. Interesting that most of these points come from smaller events not from the Masters 1000 as before he did. But these additional points still come, that's the point ;)

ANT (+915 points) and Hades (+880 points) mean the next level (7th and 8th positions). They are also rising steadily.

Although Timinator (+895 points) still can't win an event (:P) he is rising steadily as well, he is (will be) already in the TOP10! And he has some nice growth opportunity too.

FlyingBender (+65) will out from the TOP10 :(, but Milly (+225) still hold his position, which is a very nice performance imo!

There are two Masters clan member who run well recently, Master Bjarke (+830) and Pardon99 (+680).

But we have some other good ongoing run as well: Rento (+510), INSIDE (+450), awesomeusername (+360), Jackie Treehorn (+295), Rob (+280), Muli (+270), ACL Tears (+250)

Huh, finally I made my monthly "score-keeping" posts (although with a big delay...).
I hope the next (more and upgraded ;) ) score-keeping posts will be made by Min34 already :P
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