Hello and thanks in advance i dont know if you know it guys but in the rt community for many years there are a lot of people who love big deathmatch games like 13v13 many new players play this kind of games
the problem is that mainly only 2 maps are being used and this maps are being used for many years
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=13552761this the newest version
https://www.warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=12391441 the first map is the most popular
what i am looking is something fresh although a ww2 theme always sells more maybe more new player friendly more accurate if possible to the theme and be possible to be played in rounds of max 7-9 munites.
What i will try to do after that is try to promote this map to the rt community and see if it works.
I too love this kind of maps and i really like the atmosphere of this games even though there always will be someone who insults or trolls. But a fact is that there are a good number of players who learned about warlght and the competitive scene of warlight through this kind of games and learned about basic strategic things through this games so i will be really happy if we can give even better maps.
thanks for your time