Well this challenge wasn't nearly as close as the last two - the Typesomething Tribe wins Immunity and Reward with a 6-2 performance! Come and get your reward and the (figurative) immunity idol. Impaller tribe, I've got nothing for you but I'll see you tonight at tribal council. Typesomething tribe, you're going to have a relaxed couple of days while tribal council happens.
Immunity Challenge 4:Come on in guys! Typesomething tribe getting your first look at the new Impaller tribe - DynamiteT voted out at the last tribal council.
You guys ready to get to the immunity challenge?
First things first, give me back the immunity idols…
Once again, immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge, you'll need to get into teams of 2, because we're going to have four 2v2 matchups. Taking a trip into the far east, we're going to use a china template:
So, here's how this is going to work. You'll get into four teams of 2. You'll pick one of your teams to put forward. The other team will do the same. This time, the two teams that are put forward will be matched against each other and the remaining 3 teams will be matched randomly. Each win is worth a point except for the matchup between the two teams that are put forward. That matchup is worth two points.
In addition to immunity, you guys are playing for reward. Cushions, pillows and blankets, enough to ensure that one location doesn't have the idol - unless the idol is underground.
Typesomething tribe, you have one extra member so you're going to have to sit someone out. You cannot sit out the same person in back-to-back challenges.
So, get in your teams of two and let me know which team you're putting forward!
EDIT: The teams have been chosen:
The 2-point matchup is Ineffable and timon92 vs. ps and rocky1. -
http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=6228400The others are: Riyamitie and 125ch209 vs. Heyheuhei and Prometheus -
http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=6228403TheThedde and slammy vs. Sirius and iNsAnE -
http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=6284343Blortis and Doga vs. mkonyn and master of desaster -
http://warlight.net/MultiPlayer?GameID=6228408Alright, this is for immunity. Survivors ready... go!
Edited 5/21/2014 21:10:40