Germany does not declare on the USA. The USA does not enter the war on Germany and the Allies lose. Joseph Stalin and other communists have flee to China. If Emperor Justinian is the host feel free to ask him questions about the politics and stuff like that. Remember every slot is important. Standard diplo rules are required.Declare turn A attack turn B. Please roleplay and have fun. A: USA
Slot B: Third Riech
Slot C:France
Slot D: Irish Empire
Slot E: Russia
Slot F: Japan
Slot G: Communist China
Slot H:New Ottoman Empire
Slot J: Portugal
Slot K: Greco-Hungarian-Slavic Empire.
Slot L:Spain
Slot M: Canada
Slot N: Australia
Slot O:Brazil
Slot P: India
Slot Q: Scandinavian Union
Slot R:Chile and Argentina
Slot S: Mexico
Slot T: Belgium
Slot U:The Netherlands
Slot V: Iran
Slot W:Various South American countries
Slot X:Cuba and Central America
Created by Emperor Justinian