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Question about going Public: 2012-01-04 07:26:52

Level 2
I have been working on my first map and right now it is fully playable and I believe could be considered worthy of "going public". I intend to add much more detail and content to the map, but would like to play with with actual players. (Not AI)

My question is thus: If I submit a map as Public, will I be able to take it down at a later time with the updated content? Or is this something I should keep hidden away until totally complete.

Here is the map:

Question about going Public: 2012-01-04 07:28:32

Level 2
I did not word that very well...

I intend to add the much more detail and content at a later time, just not tonight, so I would like to play it with other players while I continue building more content.
Question about going Public: 2012-01-04 07:44:20

Level 2
After doing a bit of reading, I see now that the map should not be submitted until it is ready to be permanent. I am still curious: Can maps be updated by their creators after going public?

Any feedback on what I have done so far is appreciated!
Question about going Public: 2012-01-04 08:04:17

dodo comander 
Level 57
You will not be able to take your "map down"(maps ones public are never deleted). But it is possible to update map you have made public.

But as stated in wiki on map making "The map has been tested enough times..." this is needed before making a map public.

So if you just want to test your map with real people, post a new thread here asking for help testing. Or you can recruit people from online games and invite them to your testing map.

But if you think your map is ready, reread the [wiki on making map public](http://link.wiki.warlight.net/index.php/Making_maps_public), and if it satisfies all the requirements.. change the mode to public.
Question about going Public: 2012-01-04 08:08:37

dodo comander 
Level 57

This should give the answerer you seek
Question about going Public: 2012-01-04 08:12:41

dodo comander 
Level 57
sorry my link are not working just

Question about going Public: 2012-01-04 10:15:53

Level 2
Thanks for your response dodo comander.

Earlier, I started this post after drinking two pots of coffee over the course of many hours working on my map (spending my free time doing this is driving my wife nuts btw), so my grammar was a little sporadic above. I apologize for that.

I have been successful in recruiting enough players from the public games to effectively test my "map in progress" twice. The only problems I found were two different territories which were missing one connection, so I plan to move on with further development.

Here are the test matches for any interested:


I was really surprised at how quickly I was able to find 5 strangers willing to test my map and then even further surprised at how good of sports they were in testing. I can't express the level of gratitude I feel for these folks.
Question about going Public: 2012-01-04 14:04:42

Richard Sharpe 
Level 59
My quick advice would be to make the bonus link squares bigger so that they fit double-digit bonuses. In my experience, a 20-pixel square should do the trick. I would make them all the same size to allow for players to change the values as desired and still have them fit.
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