The main reason why reproduction should not be a right at all is that free reproduction harms societies. IQ is inversely correlated with fertility and hence uncontrolled reproduction inevitably leads to degeneration of a population.
How comes it that reproduction has done an excellent job so far? From the beginning of huminity until now scientific knowledge has exploded and continues to advance at a rate never to be seen before.
Reproduction is not the problem. It's a natural concept that has worked perfectly for billions of years. Even for humans. The problem is not reproduction, but radical ideas like you. Thinking that the problem is only solveable in one way and only at the benefit of a very small part of the population.
I think giving people UNIVERSAL rights is a crooked concept. A state and/or society must agree to protect said rights, and states and societies clash with one another. A separate population will inevitable seek to usurp my own population. To extend basic rights to a different population is utterly futile.
I think people should only be given as many natural rights as is required to fulfill their life task. Absolute freedom, especially for the masses of lower talent (IQ) is a destructive and degenerative policy. The masses cannot be tasked with creating something meaningful for themselves and preserving their own history.
So you disagree with personal freedom? The freedom of equal opportunity. The freedom to make the best out of your life.
As far as I understand, your idea divides people into groups that are treated differently. All based on birth. Do you agree that people's fate should be determined solely by birth? That they have no right to change? Funny considering you come from a country that praises it's so called freedom so high. I think you dont worthship what you have. What people fought for for thousands of years and you want to throw away all that.
Those are backward views. Views applied in feudal Europe and still today in many parts of the world. Those parts also happen to be the least developed ones. Segregation solves nothing, but only creates tensions, violence and hinders progress.
Edited 7/21/2017 14:10:36