This post is a public record of the agreement between Cowboy (also known as "SuperGamerz") and Xenophon to play a 1,000 coin match.
For context:
As Cowboy's agent, I decided to sell which clan he'll join with his third account to the highest bidder ("Cowbody" -
There was an intense bidding war on the Lynx/101st Discord server between WG/TJC/SNinja/alexclusive. And Xenophon from TJC won, with a stunning bid of 1,000 coins.
Below are the conditions that Cowboy and Xenophon agreed to on 07/29/17 9.17pm Pacific Time:
[The conditions are written by Cowboy.]
"So the conditions are - of Xeno vs Cowboy:
1. The 2v2 China game shall be separate from clan league, only Cowboy vs. Xeno.
2. The loser must write on the public forum how he lost to the winner and have 5 reasons why that person is superior to himself.
3. The forum post must say "Glory to the Sith Lord Quicksilver" (if Cowboy), or ""Hail to the Sith Master of Cowboy" (if Xeno).
4. If I lose I must join TJC for 2 weeks, if I dislike it I may leave.
5. If I win you must pay me the 1000 coins and I have to stay in TJC for at least a month, if I do not like TJC, I may leave after giving you 250 coins (half of my earnings deducting Quicksilver's half)
6. The loser must link the forum post on his bio (major account of his choosing)"
See here for the game link:
See here for screenshot evidence of the agreement:
Vote here on who will win:
Edited 7/30/2017 06:11:10