Let's first make an introduction of our clan. Our clan is founded by domogoto201 ( AKA Domogoto the first or the Anastorian Emperor ).
1.We are very active and close knitted clan. We do not believe in creating factions between ourselves and protect each other when in need.
2.Genres of the type of WarLight games we play
1.Diplomacy (Most of the Time)
2.FFA (Occasionally)
3.Role Play (Occasionally)
4. The list goes on here are just the three main games we touch on as a clan.
3. Do you have what it takes to become a Imperial Dynasty member?
Min Requirements:
1. Level 15 and above
2. Boot rate less or at 35% (For your situation we will be able to add you in but you need to meet at least 2 of these requirements)
3. Active at least once a week
Certain attitudes that we look for in our members:
1. Refrain from swearing too often
2. Maintain dapper
3. Respect everyone no matter what their views are
4. Communicate with each other often (friendly)
Certain things you can do when your application is accepted (Optional but highly recommended)
1. Tell us your KIk username ( Why? We will add you to our group chat so we can communicate with ease)
2. Create interesting scenarios for our clan to play as a game.
Ranks: You will start off from the bottom and you will be promoted in view of your various contributions and deeds to the clan.
Freedom of Speech: You have it here talk it out politely.
Here's the link to our clan page
https://www.warlight.net/Clans/?ID=285Private Message Me or Domogoto201
If you are interested and have what it takes to be a loyal courtier of the Emperor.
Rev1. Recruitment Document.
Edited 5/20/2017 21:39:07
Edited 8/19/2017 09:27:27