I have to say I'm not a huge fan of Trump, I don't like his policies nor the way he (try to) implement them. There's a difference between those: although I dislike a big deal of Reagan's policies, I recognize him for his extremely good governing skills and deal-making process. The reverse is true for Carter whom I like slightly more the policies, but hate the way he tried to put them forward.
So, I don't think Trump has done a great job so far implementing his agenda, which is probably a good thing since almost everything he tried to put forward has been so far poorly thinked or downright stupid ideas. However, I have now to recognize that Trump did at least two good moves this week, which is kind of impressive for him.
First of all, the DACA decision. It first appeared to me as one more rushed-thinked and poorly implemented decision by Trump to appeal to his base. But since then he managed to fix that by urging congress to act before DACA is over in six months and that he'll take care of the issue if congress doesn't do anything. So at the end of the day, we should have either some sort of permanent status for Dreamers or go back to the status-quo. While Trump did a good move to his base, he put pressure on congress to adress the issue: if it gives resident-status to dreamers, the Trump-electorate will get mad at congress, and not him, while liberals will like Trump for fixing something even Obama couldn't; if it fails and Trump just goes back to status-quo, he shouldn't lose base-support, but dems will be grateful for him keeping the status-quo.
Then the debt ceiling deal with democrats, which was even better than the first move. Usually debt ceiling discussions are always a pain in the arse for presidents, who need to discuss a lot with congress to raise it. By doing a deal with dems, he did piss out a lot his party, but the deal with the other side was really great for a lot of reasons. First, the bill in no case will get voted down because it's being voted with the Harvey relief: anyone voting against the bill is for letting americans down when they most need their country. Second, it does send a big message to his own party: get shit done or I'm reaching for the other side. Thirdly, he's managed to bring back some bipartisanship to a congress that haven't seen such a thing for at years: again he's doing better than Obama here.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/06/us/politics/house-vote-harvey-aid-debt-ceiling.html?mcubz=0https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/9/7/16263602/trump-deals-democratsIdk if Trump will keep doing good moves, but I got to say he did a good job here, he's opened a lot of possibilities for future policy-making and to effectively implement his agenda. I would also like to know how Trump will manage the Republican Party, and especially the tea party gridlockers. I guess we'll see that soon enough...
Edited 9/7/2017 21:00:12