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The Shire Map: 2012-01-15 21:33:18

Ser Andrei of Nín
Level 26
I'm making a map of the Shire, for those who are interested. Still a long way from finished, though.

I'm using both the map in the Lord Of The Rings books, and several fan-made maps online as reference.

I'll post updates here.
The Shire Map: 2012-01-15 23:25:00

Level 55
interesting, gl!!
The Shire Map: 2012-01-16 10:38:39

Level 47
Have you plan to draw rivers and bridges?
The Shire Map: 2012-01-16 20:10:36

Ser Andrei of Nín
Level 26
This is my doodle for (most) of the bonusses. Each of these bonusses consists of about 4 to eight territories. The Farthings and Marches are regional bonusses. South Farthing and bother Marches arent done yet,


And this is how far I am in the actual SVG-file XD
This is my second map, but in my first map I had more help from existing maps.

Yes, I'm planning to make the rivers impenetrable, except for where bridges & Ferries are. I'm also considering to make some of the Forests and hills impenetrable, to avoid an enormous area where every region touch. The only reason why I'm not sure about this, is because I wonder if people will get annoyed if some hills are penetrable and some aren't.
The Shire Map: 2012-01-16 20:49:31

Level 50
Okay, I don't know much about the books or the movies, I hope that explains why I laughed out loud when I read "Farthing"
The Shire Map: 2012-01-16 20:53:52

Ser Andrei of Nín
Level 26
Lol XD
It's derrived, so Wikipedia says, from islandic Farthings = Fourthings = Fourths = Quarters.

The Marches where later added to the Shire (it was only after LOTR that they became official parts of the shire, thanks to King Aragorn being such good friends with certain hobbits;) ) The information about that is in the Appendixes.
The Shire Map: 2012-01-16 21:01:36

Level 50
The appendix of what book? I hope to read them in English one day, but now I'm busy with Terry Pratchet
The Shire Map: 2012-01-16 23:21:33

Level 2
It should be in the 3rd book as the appendix of "The Return of the King" is quite extensive.

FYI, Tolkien writing style is archaic so don't be surprised if it is like nothing else you have ever read in grammar and format. But it is a great series.
The Shire Map: 2012-01-16 23:43:16

Level 55
@Comrade-don't worry about making impenetrable hills. just don't over do it i guess, but i see no way around it

@Moros-Zilmorph is correct about the appendix and brings up a good point, Lotr will be a incredibly difficult read to someone who's first language isn't english. And has anyone read a translated version of Lotr? for some reason i think it would tough to pull it off while remaining the style.

You should however read them!
The Shire Map: 2012-01-24 19:57:45

Ser Andrei of Nín
Level 26
So, here's progress so far. The bonus-armies aren't correct yet, so don't pay any attention to the number of armies given.
Just one question: does the BonusLink allways have a yellow border?

The Shire Map: 2012-01-25 17:28:14

Level 50
Yup, they always do.
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