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New map: Crescent Island: 2012-01-21 13:52:30

Level 57
This is the first concept of 6 new ethnical bonus: Elf Alliance, Human Union, Lilliput League, Greenskin Hordes, Giant Commune, and Undead Minions.


The values and places are still changeable, and im working on some shiny new visual features :)
New map: Crescent Island: 2012-01-22 19:44:08

Level 57
UPDATE: the 1.2 beta version is pending to public


I try to finish soon
New map: Crescent Island: 2012-01-25 12:05:19

Level 57
After some test games i decided to change the bigbonus values more lower. The old values makes the win too easy who get first a bigbonus. Now all quarter bonuses and all ethnical bonuses earns equally 10 army. I hope this change makes the play better.

+ some small changes happened at the Undead Minions, Crystal Oases, and Barbarian Regimes.

Now just few more cute bonus icons still missing, but the map is playable without these, if i have enough time i will make the remnants.

The 1.3 version is pending to public!

New map: Crescent Island: 2012-01-25 13:04:38

Level 35
I don't mind the large bonuses, per se, but they are darn hard to get. Some of them take a minimum of 5 turns to complete. Any thoughts about making the large bonuses into smaller sub-bonuses?
New map: Crescent Island: 2012-01-25 13:37:19

Level 57
There are 4 large quarter bonuses, 6 ethnical bonuses (+1 under construction), and 26 other bonuses. These 26 are the smaller sub-bonuses, some of them just 3 or 4 territory.
New map: Crescent Island: 2012-01-25 13:39:05

Level 35
I mean the "smaller" bonuses. With the way the map is shaped, there is no easy way to get them. Sorry man, I was excited for the map and played a few games on it, but it's not for me.
New map: Crescent Island: 2012-01-25 14:31:51

Level 57
I know the ethnical bonuses are very hard to get. These are rather just story elements. If someone get it, he is certainly strong enough to win the game. The essential are the standard bonuses and after the quarter bonuses to win a game.

Just try it with the new details :)

And if you have a good proposal, I am prepared to change the map.
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