Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-06 13:12:15 |

Level 63
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-06 13:22:54 |

Level 61
GROUP F3 Kaerox
GROUP G2 Tac(ky)tical
GROUP G3 Des {TJC} Inactives.
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-06 14:59:48 |

Level 60
can i play to ? maybe to late?
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-07 05:05:47 |

Level 63
The Promotion/Relegation League is a seasonal group of round-robin Warlight tournaments, always on the classic “strategic middle earth” map and settings with 0% weighted random luck. (This is not the same as the template currently used for the 1v1 ladder.) Players are grouped into 7 player groups, each group sorted into a tier. At the end of each season, the top players of each tier are promoted to the next tier above. Bottom players are relegated to the next tier below. Middle players remain in the same tier.
The league is meant to appeal to players who want to see, over the course of several seasons, where their natural level of competition might take them. For new, skilled participants, this means patience in getting to the levels where they will be challenged. Hopefully, that is part of the fun. The idea is to see how quickly you can progress, how long you can stay high, or how long it takes to stop a skid.
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-07 05:07:08 |

Level 63
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-07 05:13:31 |

Level 63
The league is run with a balance of predictability and flexibility. Final decisions are made by the league administrator with an attempt to consider input of league players.
For season 22, the following model is employed:
A (1 group): 2 demote B (1 group): 2 promote, 3 demote C (2 groups): 3 promote (1 each group plus 2nd place playoff between C1 and C2), 4 demote (2 each group) D (2 groups): 4 promote (2 each group), 6 demote (3 each group) E (3 groups): 6 promote (2 each group), 6 demote (2 each group) F (3 groups): 6 promote (2 each group), 9 demote (3 each group) G (5 groups): 9 promote (Approximately 2 from each group after dropouts)
There are exceptions to this model. Where there is default – a player becoming inactive or asking to bow out of the league – there can be more promotions to fill in the vacancy. The principle, though, is to usually have at least one player from each group relegated. Several retirements mean fewer relegations and more promotions to keep the groups filled.
Any player inactive in any three games of any tournament is deemed to be out of the league and can only return as a new player in an expansion or bottom group.
Placements in a round-robin are determined by number of wins. In the event of a tie, placements are determined by head-to-head results among the tied. Occasionally, there are loops of ties that cannot be resolved by the head-to-head rule. A tie-breaking tournament then takes place unless all the players involved agree to otherwise settle the tie.
If players are still tied after the tiebreaker tournament, or a tiebreaker tournament is not made, ratios of Fizzer's metric will be used to break the tie. Fizzer's metric is calculated in the final turn of the game, and is equal to a player's controlled armies plus income times two (A + 2*I). The ratio then is the metric for one player divided by the sum of metrics for both players. I will cap the metric to be a minimum of 0.51 for the winner and a maximum of 0.49 for the loser. The tie will then be broken according to the sum of ratios of Fizzer's metric among games involved in the tie. (If still tied, I will disregard the 0.51/0.49 limits)
Anyone can join the league, members and non-members alike, simply by request in the most recent “Promotion/Relegation League” forum thread. New players begin in the bottom group or in an expansion group. Promotions from expansion groups depend on numbers within the new groups.
For players with multiple accounts, only one account may be used in this league, and placement in the league can't be switched around with other accounts. What this means is that if you want to switch accounts, you must start again from the bottom tier. It's recommended that all new players use an account they plan to use long term.
Before the beginning of each season, a summary of the movements will be announced to allow for questions or corrections. The league works most smoothly if those who wish to bow out of it let the administrator know before the new season begins instead of simply declining to play after the groups have been determined and tournaments begun.
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-07 14:34:58 |

Level 62
Thanks for organising
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-09 14:12:10 |
Level 58
I'll take the place of someone in a G group in one of the non-started tournaments that has dropped out if possible.
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-10 03:43:11 |
Level 58
GROUP A **Arkanton Jefferspin almosttricky timon92 Buns157 Krzysztof Master of the Dead
None of these players are bad, but I think Buns, Timon, and Master of the Dead will finish in the top 3. I'd guess Buns comes in 1st. Jefferspin and almosttricky demote.
GROUP B Timinator master of desaster smileyleg FlyingBender JV Master Jz **grames
master of desaster is the likely winner, he and timinator promote.
graemes absolutely demotes, he's far worse than everyone else in this group. Past that I'd guess Flyingbender and smileyleg also demote, but JV or Jz could potentially take their place.
GROUP C1 **13CHRIS37 Master Bjarke rocky1 Andersault Phoenix Don [ Ω ] awesomeusername
13chris37 is the best bet to promote IMO, if he joins, if he doesn't I pick Bjarke. There's really not a lot of parity here, I think any hypothetically could promote or demote. I would wager on Rocky and Phoenix demoting though.
GROUP C2 **USA Biches Beren • apex Cata Cauda **Oh Noes **dry-clean-only Dom365 Hunta
I think this is the C group with 2 to promote.
Cauda demotes, no question. So does Hunta.
I'll pick Dom365 and USA Biches to promote, but Beren, or Oh Noes could easily promote instead.
GROUP D1 Mirror Math Wolf butterfly94 Maréchal Lannes, duc de Montebello Master Farah♦ Doron Hoh
butterfly, Marechal, and Doron Hoh demote. Mirror, and Farah promote. Math Wold promoting instead of them would not be a huge surprise.
GROUP D2 PanagiotisTheGreekFreak Bigchps147 .. this guy Edge Min34 Njord krunx
Bigchps demotes for sure, this guy and min likely do as well. Njord could ptentially demote instead of min.
Promotions is trickier, but I'll guess Edge and Panagiotis. Krunx is very much a contender to promote though, and is better than many people in higher groups, but he has a tough group to fight for only 2 spots.
GROUP E1 Master Turtle **BADA Pink **Semicedevine **KKND (dropping out of the League) Hostile Terek
Uhh, Master Turtle, KKND, BADA, Semicedevine were the 4 best here, only 1 of those 4 has joined.
Thus, I predict Master Turtle promotes. If Semice joins he also promotes, but I don't expect he will. BADA however may join, so I'll pick him as the second promotion.
For the demotions, Terek and Hostile.
GROUP E2 ferede **culpa rouxburg MIFRAN **Great Expanse MightySpeck (a Koala) [*Voo*] tomn555
Easy promotions for mifran and rouxburg.
tomn demotes for sure. I'll pick Mightyspeck as the second to demote.
GROUP E3 Tjoex Hasdrubal **[FCC] Aura Guardian ARand0mPlayer **The Adversary carlos12.0 Matt431
carlos and aura promote. Hasdrubal and randomplayer demote.
GROUP F1 Coyote151 **[NL] bassoonplayer Robert E Lee Baer Kurdistan49 Fluttershy Tof
Kurdistan promotes. Easily. I'll pick Fluttershy to promote as well, but that second spot is much more highly contested between Fluttershy, Robert E Lee, and Baer.
Coyote, Ƨillynamenace, and Bassoonplayer demote. Tof could demote instead of bassoon.
GROUP F2 **Ink Splatoon (dropping out of the league) The Royal Canadian Empire Doc jacob J0twe [WG] Reza Milly
Reza and Milly to promote. J0twe is in the running too. Doc, Royal Canadian, and Ink Splatoon demote.
GROUP F3 tomjh **bobbob000 (dropping out of the league) **Kaerox Mike |GG| Tribalwars **natto Octane
Mike and Octane promote.
Natto, tomjh, and bobbob demote.
GROUP G1 {{NeRo}} Coronel Gavilan **Admiral Clark Bayern München is the best! THE AWESOME OTTERYCAT **Kezzo (dropping out of the league) Cowboy
Nero and Cowboy promote. Would be Kezzo's division to win, but he dropped.
GROUP G2 **dannybhoy **Benjamin628 Ƨillynamenace **EmawShasta **Mort (dropping out of the league) **Tac(ky)tical matrixtch **Nauzhror
I promote. matrixtch probably promotes too.
GROUP G3 **Andresso **Des {TJC} Rubin kicorse Midazolam Lew John John Johnson
Lew and Kicorse most likely to promote, John John Johnson however deserves to promote more than anyone else but me in G2, and more than anyone in G1 or G4. He got screwed with group placement.
GROUP G4 STARTED!!! Etienne Weatherman900 {TJC} Kevin Turner MoneyMakingMitch [ARM]BelSon pumpkinhead TianO
No one here deserves to promote if picking the top 9 overall in G IMO, but since someone must: pumpkinhead. This is definitely the weakest group.
GROUP G5 STARTED!!! Platinum DemoZ Nemo MilesAhead indibob Star of the East Dimitris_Wingo
Platinum and Star promote.
Edited 10/10/2017 03:57:10
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-10 19:07:33 |

Level 59
About G3 Nauzhror writes: Lew and Kicorse most likely to promote, John John Johnson however deserves to promote more than anyone else but me in G2, and more than anyone in G1 or G4. He got screwed with group placement My response: A G3 player who'll definitely promote is midazolam. You'll see.
About F1 Nauzhror writes: Coyote, Ƨillynamenace, and Bassoonplayer demote. Tof could demote instead of bassoon. My response: You're right, I don't belong there :D (I'm not in F1. I'm just the creator of that tournament.)
About G2 Nauzhror writes: I promote. matrixtch probably promotes too. My response: Probably. I am an easy opponent for both of you. I can't say anything about how my game against Benjamin may unfold.
Edited 10/10/2017 22:02:56
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-10 22:34:45 |
Level 58
"My response: A G3 player who'll definitely promote is midazolam. You'll see."
He might, due to dropouts or upsets, but I'd definitely rate Lew and Kicorse above him. I am not calling him bad though, but I do think he's fourth best in that group - it's a pretty tough group.
Edited 10/10/2017 22:35:39
Promotion/Relegation League Season 23: 2017-10-11 11:29:00 |

Level 61
Nauz i totally disagree with "This is definitely the weakest group." and its funny cause you are in the weakest G group xD
Predictions A/ Buns for the win :D D2/ Pana and Edge if Pana plays and bet my money Kurdistan taking the win F1 and Star of the East making the upset on G5
*btw Nauz predictions about promote is cool, predictions about demotes and what group is weak and who dont deserve to promote,hmm isnt cool xD
Goodluck to everyone:)
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