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Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-02 22:05:51

Level 59
Would it be possible for us to purchase clan name changes for, say, 200 coins? Or is that functionality not implementable?

Just wondering.

Edited 11/2/2017 22:06:06
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-02 22:55:52

Level 63
See https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warlight-features/suggestions/7085564-overhall-of-clan-system.
In the comments, Fizzer said "Clan name changes will probably never be allowed, as the clan’s name is its identity and changing the name is akin to making a new clan entirely".
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-02 22:58:41

Level 59
rip :(

Clan IDs are still unique though, and player names are changeable

I guess it's not implementable then, 'cause otherwise that design decision doesn't make all that much sense.
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-02 23:27:57

Level 60
Clan name changes will probably never be allowed, as the clan’s name is its identity and changing the name is akin to making a new clan entirely

So technically this is the official definition of a clan then? Which means that this is what should be used for CL?
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-02 23:51:28

Level 63
outlaws demotes to c
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-03 03:54:32

Level 62
101st takes our spot

101st promotes to A

101st finishes 3rd while Lynx 5th

101st > Lynx


Edited 11/3/2017 03:55:14
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-03 04:52:34

Level 60
First season of Outlaws in CL
And if hypothetically you have won group A, then you have won CL in first season without even playing in groups B, C and D !

"brother" clans is another issue, imo having brother clan is kinda pointless

Edited 11/3/2017 04:53:11
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-03 06:35:12

Level 63
Let the discussion for a 101st time begin! (U see what i did there?)
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-03 06:42:36

Level 59
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-03 15:32:02

Level 62
If 101st promotes from B? Should they be allowed to be in A? With Lynx? Absolutely not in my opinion. Just wondering what ye all else think.
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-03 15:44:35

Level 59
Yes they should so they can outperform Lynx and have them demote to B.
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-03 19:48:06

Master Cowboy 
Level 61
Regardless of opinions of whether it was right or wrong. Decision was made. Moot point now. I still fear the rule rewarding clan hijacks though. 1/3rd is too small to claim a spot imo. I'd prefer 2/3, but 1/2 is fine.
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-03 22:25:20

John Titor
Level 56
Let's talk about CL9 overview like the one Platinum made :)
few players from each division can summarize (I hope) within 30 minutes.
and with some music or some memes :P
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-04 15:21:53

Level 61
@Cowboy, first, they are looking at if 1/3 spots (and points) are in the original clan. If the original clan does not have 1/3 spots (and points); then other options are considered. So I think this is better for the so called clan hijacks.
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-04 17:30:03

Level 58
I have 0 issue with 101st and Lynx being in A. Same goes for Masters and Apprentice (not that that's as likely to happen though).
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-04 18:02:12

Level 60
I wasn't really trying to bring back a 101st/Outlaws discussion. As cowboy said, the decision was made, no changing it now. I was more trying to say that we had a way to avoid all that discussion, but apparently missed it.

I have an issue with 101st and Lynx being in the same decision, when multiple teams from one clan is not even allowed in CL. But this has also been discussed many times before, and the majority seems to not mind the (exploit) of one clan being two clans (or training clans or whatever you want to call it). So also not really worth discussing until the general opinion changes.
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-05 01:50:51

Level 59
Well the clan name = identity thing smells like bullshit if you can just go and create a new clan with the same name, icon, image, and descriptions as an existing clan. The only two things that will be different are ID (necessarily) and membership (probably).

My hunch is that Fizzer built a minimal clan system initially as a time-efficient way to test the system. Participation wasn't high enough to warrant the sort of significant investment that the clan "overhall" uservoice asked of him, so he's investing his time developing other features instead. Nothing wrong with that of course- it's just standard-ish procedure and a pretty smart way to prioritize feature requests, so that's why it's my top guess.

It might be wrong, but that's why I proposed being able to pay for a clan name change. Since I figured that might tip the scales a little bit.
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-05 07:18:12

Level 63
I agree with you. U can change the clan icon as often as u want, so a name change should be an option and to prevent massive changes like some clans do for their icon, it's ok to offer a clan name change for money. To create a clan u need 15$. So a name change for 5$ seems reasonable to me. U probably need certain requirements to do a name change. F.ex. that the original founder can only do it or needs to ask for it, while maybe another member of the clan will pay for it.

For the "identity" argument. If u want to change a clans name u probably discuss it in the clan itself and get everyone on board for a name change. That's what i expect from a real clan to consider every opinion about such an important matter. But if everyones on board i don't think the "identity" argument comes into play, because it's the clans decision to do a name change. The identity of a clan is more than the name itself. The identity is the players, their behaviour. We make fun of it in certain chats, but certain clans will be addressed negatively, if they have players in their clans who have broken rules, like stalling on ladders, cheating etc. Those clans who accept such a behaviour in their clan gain a bad reputation throughout the communnity. This bad reputatiotn goes hand in hand with their identity. They have that stamp mark as a "cheater clan". As u can see about that example i think the "identity" is definitely more than only a name.

And even for people that don't accept that argument about the "identity" of a clan. What about the icon than? Doesn't the icon also count to the "identity" of a clan? Why is it then allowed to change the icon, while u aren't allowed to change the name, if both defines the "identity" of a clan?

So yeah i deinitely agree with you. That argumentation has a hole.

Edited 11/5/2017 07:31:37
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-07 18:24:12

Level 61
Completely agree with edge! Claiming that the name is the identety of the clan is simply bullocks for me!
Clan Name Changes: 2017-11-08 14:13:11

Level 61
How about the ability for clan managers to delete post in clan forums too that would be nice as well for reinventing old clans.

Edit: I know this has been discussed already too but why not throw fuel on the fire while it's burning!

Edited 11/8/2017 14:14:19
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