was checking some videos on how to capture multiple computer sources and compose them on same stream using obs.
so if we had 2 (or more) dedicated computers with a webcam and obs installed, people could use those stations to play warlight and we could have a stream where we would switch between the views, or have them side by side. would be a nice(r) way to have livestream tournaments with overview of what people are actually doing during the match. :)
Berlin Open - checking for interest: 2017-12-23 13:41:46
linberson: it's harder to setup remotely (because of router firewalls) then on a local lan. to bypass those issues some folks use cloud based servers (like linode) but on those you have to pay for your bandwidth and processing power.
Berlin Open - checking for interest: 2017-12-24 11:19:15
liberson: any news on the location and activities schedule? should we set up a date for a livestream soon to share some news with folks and answer questions? etc?
Berlin Open - checking for interest: 2018-01-03 23:35:39