Realibilty: 2012-01-25 20:01:56 |
Level 54
Truces are dangerous so in if there was a realibilty rating for each player it will make us think about accepting truce like in real life truces government will have documents of how reliable their allies are whether they will betray them or not.
Realibilty: 2012-01-25 20:08:40 |
Richard Sharpe
Level 59
* reliability.
Realibilty: 2012-01-25 21:40:15 |
Level 61
realibility bites.
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 00:00:25 |
Level 49
relativity bitches?
*Yes, truces are dangerous. Yes, it should stay that way. Apart from that, any such thing like a "reliability rating" is impossible to implement anyway, plain and simple.*
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 01:43:51 |
Level 60
Your idea is impossible for me. It would be alot more easy if implement a reputation system.
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 03:14:31 |
Level 22
Aren't all truces eventually broken?
Unless one of the players agreeing to it is eliminated first, but then it wouldn't be measuring reliability, just lack of ability.
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 04:31:21 |
[WM] Dazed & Insane
Level 50
Use the various spy cards to keep an eye on your ally. If you get bitten, that's your fault. If you get killed by your ally, it's b/c you weren't careful in choosing your partner or in watching your back. Plan for the war you know has to come, and don't be surprised or pissed if you are betrayed, this is war.
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 08:20:15 |
Level 54
perrin u want me to be betraying people i won games without doing dat and not all games have spy cards
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 15:00:20 |
Level 60
Don't want temporary truces? Here's an idea:
don't join FFA or don't complain
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 15:12:55 |
The Duke of Ben
Level 55
If there were a way to have joint victory in an FFA game, then betraying people would be a legitimate issue. As it stands, only one person can ever win an FFA, so all truces will eventually be broken.
That's why I don't mind when people make peace at various stages, even if they gang up against me in the process. They are making choices about who they should befriend and who they should attack. My goal is the arrange the field so that everyone wants to be my friend and nobody wants to attack me. In doing so, I limit the number of people who betray me by picking my battles well.
But, I always know that at a certain stage, I will be at war with anyone and everyone who is still around. Knowing that ahead of time, I can't get really mad at someone for beating me to the punch. I can get mad if it was a poor move that makes us both lose the game, but not if it's a good move that advances them.
Once again, the second issue I deal with by making myself a hard target and good friend, so that they have no reason to attack me, and know that they will lose if they do.
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 15:55:11 |
Level 54
if people betray me and there is no hope i will suicide into them and make them lose too
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 15:55:42 |
Level 54
i think i will carry on doing dat it always works
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 16:11:29 |
Level 50
A truce isn't broken if there is given a warning one turn ahead. I always ask that from now on before I go on a truce with anyone.
Realibilty: 2012-01-26 16:56:53 |
The Duke of Ben
Level 55
That's actually a pretty common response, and it really should be expected. That's another major reason not to attack your ally unless you are fully prepared or they are the last person remaining.
If you make it impossible for someone to win, they are going to want to do the same thing to you.
I will say one thing though, if you see a chance to win the game by making peace with them again in the future, don't rule that out too early. Just make sure that they can't do that to you again in the future.
Realibilty: 2012-01-27 09:32:00 |
Level 56
The thing with truces is that nobody wants to break it "unfairly" due to the huge risk of them suiciding all their forces into you. The only reason they could do it if they outnumber everyone remaining on the field, in which case you would have lost any way. Other than that, I consider it pretty stupid to break a truce.
Realibilty: 2012-01-27 12:24:02 |
Level 28
reasons people break truces:
1) you are about to get into a position they cant beat you from (ie, about to capture more bonus')
2) they cant beat you head on, the only way is to lauch a surprise attack on weakly defended bonus'
3) Theyve made another deal with another player
All of wich are valid reasons and predictable, prepare.
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