Members only creation.: 2017-11-15 15:07:48 |
Level 55
Perhaps add in a feauture, that makes members the only ones able to make games with mods, and us plebians who are not loaded, can also play the fun part of the game.
Members only creation.: 2017-11-15 19:20:41 |
Level 60
When you create a game/template with mods, it sets the player requirements (open seat and anyone who you invite) "is member"= true, so non-members won't even see those games. So yes, they won't get games on such templates
Members only creation.: 2017-11-15 22:40:03 |
Level 60
Good point. Fizzer needs to weigh on this. Worst case scenario, non-members will get invited to games with mods, but when opening the game, they'll get a message saying only members can open the game