I got a bit board earlier last night and decided to make it really quick and easy to add CSS. This supports all commonly-used CSS.
If you are quite familiar with CSS, you may have noticed that not all rules work with browsers and browser versions in a standard way. For example, if you wanted wanted something to be displayed as a flexbox, you would standard support and temporary support for this item to ensure that the container was behaving in the correct way. To do this you would place "-webkit-" in front of "flex" to get "display: -webkit-flex;". I found it time consuming to support the temporary versions of browsers that have support for this display mode, so I thought if there was a way to do this faster.
The code can be found at
Documentation can be found at
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/35370-add-css/ and in the code.
To use this on a userscript, add this to the metablock:
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/35370-add-css/code/Add_CSS.js?version=231493
To use this on any webpage, add this to the <head>of a HTML file:
<script src = "https://greasyfork.org/scripts/35370-add-css/code/Add_CSS.js?version=231493"></script>
Feel free to use this and suggest features that could be supported. If you've got any questions about how to use it, inform me.
Also, I have noticed that the GM_addStyle functionality is no longer supported (at least by Greasymonkey). Maybe this could replace it.
Edited 11/19/2017 16:55:25