would ever consider making mods a feature for members kinda like commanders & the bomb card
The issue with mods is that they run on the server, so it takes the server about 100x more work to handle a modded game than a non-modded game. So for now it's restricted to members.
switch accounts button
Using alts isn't something I would want to encourage.
Will any of the member-only features ever become public-access?
I never realise when I'm playing for coins. put a notice in the name of the game
There should be a big coin icon next to the game name. I would think the icon would be more effecitve than words in the title, no?
i dont get the dialog up on the screen automaticly anymore
Hmm that's strange. I've seen it work, so I'm not sure why it's not working for you. Can you report it at
http://warzone.com/ReportBug with a game link?
the ads for the coin wheel do not work
They should work. What problem are you running into?
Speaking of uservoice, I think you should mark all of the following items as completed
Yes, I have a long list of UV items I will mark as complete once the iOS app is live. I'll even close ones that could be done by mods, even if a mod doesn't exist yet, since that'll be the first way the feature gets created. The logic is that if it's popular enough as a mod I would consider adding the feature to the core game, but if it's not even popular enough to get created into a mod then it certainly isn't popular enough to be in the core game.
If " cant commit orders because game is over" is open I cant close it with "esc"
I'll fix that.
Are the Bank Duration and Bank Percent settings gone?
Yes, those are deprecated features.