I think I have(without actually checking) close to 20 1v1's with John Tack. I believe we're pretty close to being exactly even on wins. Although two(maybe three, I forget) of his were from booting me cause I forgot I was playing warlight. He always waited a reasonable amount of time before booting however. I'm just pretty forgetful when it comes to remembering real time games~
Looking for amazing 1v1 players: 2012-02-07 02:51:02
He was probably one of the first 20 players or so, and he was very good at the game. Played the hell out of it constantly for a year and then quit suddenly, classic burnout it seems :)
Looking for amazing 1v1 players: 2012-02-07 22:44:18
yeah i dont even know what was going on that game. I knew at turn one that you were going to get a +3 bonus immediately, but i forgot all about that on turn 2 and played too aggressively anyway.
I guess ill start focusing more Im not going to give you a win that easy again
Looking for amazing 1v1 players: 2012-02-09 05:41:10
First game Lykus vs 13CHRIS37 is pretty impressive. Lykus made a beautiful move on 3rd turn. On the 2nd game, Lykus made the mistake of ignoring Chris in mexico, even though he/she knew Chris was there.
Looking for amazing 1v1 players: 2012-02-09 07:30:35