Just going to copy + paste what I said from the quickmatch leaderboard thread.
Quickmatch having a flash transition and a new leaderboard can be said to be great improvements to the new feature for WarZone.
However, The real-time ladder has been suffering due to the rise of Quickmatch for my personal reason of thinking the quickmatch has the features that some people have been wanting on real-time ladder for a very long time such as more templates or being allowed to do "template voting".
11 players are currently on the real-time ladder which is quite embarassing (would be lower if there was no trophy as a incentive), with my point being.. Is the real-time ladder going to get a makeover so it can stay alive or is it going to be on the lower prioritity list in which case, I would believe it should be removed from the game.
It would be nice if this same policy of being open to do template voting for quickmatch for e.g can be equally met with doing these type of things in the Real-Time Ladder instead of forcing people to play that bloody commanders template and not making any effort to rejuvenate the Real-Time Ladder.
Quickmatches are more competitive than the real-time ladders, which is a very backwards principle. I'm asking to change the balence of competitiveness between the 2 features which I thought had 2 functions primarily, Quickmatches being for new players and Real-time ladder for the competitive players.
I'm curious on what others have to think, If real-time ladder was as community orientated and unnecessarily fixed on certain principles such as that ridiculous need for a Local deployment and commander template. I would say the real-time ladder would be above 50+ players easily. Now with the quickmatch being what the real-time ladder should've been players are so drawn to it, that a player with even a 1000 rating can get 10th on the ladder.
There's no doubt in my mind that the real-time ladder is dying where the quickmatch is ironically more competitive.