Hi!This is my first time I've experienced a "knife in the back" so I thought that I share this with you.
In this game you can see that everything was working quite fine,when around turn 13 Lord Of Destruction boots our teammate and attacks me.When I asked him what was that about he said,quote |>you have betrayed the third reich|>.So I,"the traitor",regained my territories and started capturing his territories and we became enemies.Turn after turn,I took his,he took my territories and finally he was "asleep on duty" and I booted him immediately when the clock said 5 minutes.
And in the end,I suggest that you blacklist this player and,if that player joins any other game ever again,I'm calling to other players that you eliminate this player at the very beginnig no matter if you are his allies or enemies.
Here is the link:
Thank you,good playing and watch out for any players like this.