Comprehensive Update III:I almost forgot to do this today. My bad.
I did say I as going to do these on Fridays, but I guess I am doing them on Saturdays instead. Neat.
I feel tired and sluggish right now. I want to go to bed. Ugh. I feel as tired and sluggish as FCC's performance has been. Still only one win, with the midseason approaching. Hmmm... Well, anyway, I think a brewed a bit of controversy over a decision I made, to not replace an inactive player in Volcano Island 2v2 until after midseason, effectively giving up 8 free points. Some people are clearly seeing this as a poor decision, since FCC seems to be giving up free points. Which is true. But with 6 substitutions remaining, and midseason upcoming, I am willing to sacrifice 8 points for a better shot at 8 points in the future. FCC doesen't have anyone capable to take over the slot. Knowing the intensity that players take these games, I don't see any feasible way for FCC to win those games anyway. It therefore justifies waiting until a more capable player can be slotted in at the midseason. The odds gained by having an extra slot on hand might outweigh the odds gained by replacing the slot now and losing a slot at the midseason.
This may go against the spirit of clan league. All games should be covered, right? Well, consider this a bit of an experiment, then. What should a clan do with limited substitutions before the midseason, have players of a higher calibur after the midseason, and need to sub in now? If FCC is likely going to demote anyway, now is as good of a time as ever to try and experiment with this a bit. As they say, you don't know if you don't try...
And maybe this is pretty obvious mistake to everyone in warzone and their brother. I am usually prone to obvious mistakes. But, I am committed to this now, so let my errors shine so that they may not happen again...
In any case, you guys can choose to debate whether this is a good idea or not. It make for some interesting discussion. And sure, this may make me the worst manager in CL right now. But as all modelers know... Garbage in == Garbage out. There wasn't much of a chance to begin with.
Anyway, here is what is going on as of now with the scores:
Quick Update: By Points Scored:
TJC 33
Sninja 32
WG 27
Statisticians 16
Hydra 12
Quick Update: By Max Points:
Sninja 197
TJC 187
Statisticians 185
WG 185
Hydra 170
FCC 153
Completed Games: (Bold detonates winner)
TJC is now first in points scored and second in max points. They definitely have something going on. Its still thisclose between the top four clans. Meanwhile, the divide between FCC and Hydra continues to grow. Now at 17 points, the hole grows deeper.
Finished Games:
1v1: Guiroma
Statisticains vs Hydra (5/7)
Hydra vs Sninja (5/9)
Hydra vs WG (5/12)
1v1: French Brawl
TJC vs Statisticians (5/10)
1v1: Elitist Africa:
WG vs FCC (5/12)
TJC vs FCC (5/9)
2v2: Final Earth
Nothing doing...
2v2 Volcano Island
Sninja vs FCC (5/10)
2v2 Szeurope
"knocks on door"....
Aura: Any progress today?
Group B: Nope
Aura: :(
3v3 Europe
C'mon guys. Super Smoove wanted to analyze more 3v3 Erope games.... you turds... smh.
3v3 Biomes
I guess they were baffled by the bonus system so much that no one were incapable of finishing games this week...
Edited 5/14/2018 02:04:34