Does the old WL community still exist: 2018-07-31 21:46:45 |

{rp} GeneralGror
Level 58
Well, I always felt like a young buck in the face of those Beta-dwellers. Anyone before the surge of October 2011 perhaps. Have I slipped into the ranks of the old and infirm already? Always felt a bit on the seasoned side. . .
Law, eh? Why?
I'm finally progressing in the task of self-improvement. I'm counting on the Pareto distribution to lubricate the process so this bag of bones can hobble to a better day. I want to try my hand in the acting ring (who would have thought it possible?!). I feel I have something to show this world. At that stage where I am trying new things and not getting swamped in the mists of indecision. Seems I could talk myself into anything.
Thanks for being here, Impulsetron Mk. III
Does the old WL community still exist: 2018-08-01 03:44:59 |

Level 60
ayyyyy gror my man waddup
Does the old WL community still exist: 2018-08-01 04:14:02 |

Level 56
so much for being a physicist eh
Does the old WL community still exist: 2018-08-01 08:11:27 |

{rp} GeneralGror
Level 58
What a mixed reception for an old wolf.
A pipe dream. Well, I am still interested, but I want to try a newer direction. One that feels closer. One that fits with my goals.
Taking up lying as a profession Pulsimian?
Hey Troll, welcome to my stream! hehe