The Death Penalty: A Debate: 2018-06-22 22:58:09 |
Darth Darth Binks
Level 56
If my country can get its shit together and not spend millions on one clearly guilty person's death, then yes, I'm all for the death penalty.
Beheading 100% of the time. Quick, humane, form of execution least likely to be screwed up, and cheap. Uniform executions give the message that the society does not care how outrageous one's heinous crime was compared to others, and may deter a few nutjobs who would pursue a headline through crime.
Intentional/premeditated killers, Extreme sexual assaulters and malicious traitors are deserving of death, provided it was their knowledgeable will.
Can we also start handing out penalties for having the gall to block off a highway, turnpike, or parkway in protest?