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Looking for a clan: 2018-06-06 13:40:46

Level 45
Hello guys,

If you are looking for a clan, I have good news. Snakelets is recruiting!

Snakelets is a group of young snakes who like to have fun relaxing games. We play alongside Glorious Vipers.

Prerequisites to join:
1) Don't have a ridiculously high boot rate
2) Be active
3) Be respectful

The will to learn is a big bonus.

Reply to this thread or send me a pm if you are interested in joining!

Looking for a clan: 2018-06-06 13:50:37

Level 45
Pretty nice active clan for casual players with lots of regular joint tourneys.

The members are active and you will find them everywhere when you play real-time games, especially RoR. Tournaments are created on the regular, here is one example that was created recently featuring our players and FCC/Discovery players on a strat map: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=25432

I recommend the clan due to the activity and fun games. Alts are allowed as long as they're not inactive accounts.

Edited 6/6/2018 17:56:31
Looking for a clan: 2018-06-06 17:45:21

Level 53
yup, good clan. Definitely 10/10. would join again
Looking for a clan: 2018-06-07 00:12:56

The Endless Zero
Level 57
Next time make it 32 players.
Looking for a clan: 2018-06-08 12:11:11

zażółć gęślą jaźń
Level 57
What do you offer that other clans don't?
Looking for a clan: 2018-06-08 14:13:14

Level 45
We are by far the most attractive clan to rise of rome RT players, which is something the strat community may not be highly fond of, but hey in our market that means something, and we have a lot of fun, and that's what matters. There's a nice charm to creating a real-time game, and seeing several of your clan-mates flood in almost instantly to join. We have that. :)

But to those who don't play RoR or real-time games very often, we also have many frequent tournaments and a nice discord chat. This doesn't set us apart from some other active clans, but it's a good plus. I'm planning to bring in a lot of activity to the discord chat when I send out all the invitation by mail to all players in both clans (Snakelets+GV) soon. I'm also planning to venture out and try to do some big things.

Talked to knyte about trying to set up an internal ladder for our players with maps of our choice + trying to get a special map made for our clan. Should be a lot of fun.

Edited 6/8/2018 14:16:49
Looking for a clan: 2018-06-09 11:02:24

Level 61
I thought RoR Community is in that niche?
Looking for a clan: 2018-06-09 18:34:43

Level 45
RoR community was never a serious clan, and was a bit too niche. I never intended to make that clan big, especially since I wasn't as active during that time due to college (I'm now on break so I have significant free time to recruit).

Snakelets isn't solely focused on RoR. We play all the common strat templates, and many of our players enjoy MME. We (GV) are currently involved in a CL practice tournament along with several other clans, and GV/Snakes have dual tournaments together which are quite fun.

Edited 6/9/2018 18:39:58
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