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Warzone Standalone Windows Updater: 2018-06-09 22:57:46

Level 63
To install:

  • go to https://danwlgames.000webhostapp.com/WL_WZ/my_tools.html
  • locate the "Standalone Windows 32 and 64-bit Updater" text.
  • click on "executable" or "source code" - source code option can only run if Python 2.7 is installed
  • you will then be prompted to save the file - click on save
  • if you clicked "executable", locate where the file has been downloaded to then right-click on the file and select "extract all"

To run:

  • Close all windows where something belonging to standalone Warzone is open (i.e. close Warzone)
  • Run either WarzoneWinUpdater.exe or WarzoneWinUpdater.py
  • Progress of the update is displayed. Downloading Warzone can take a while depending on your internet connection - shouldn't take longer than 7 mins.

Note: the most suitable of Warzone is installed on your system when using this tool; if you have a 64-bit system, the 64-bit version will be installed else the 32-bit version will be installed. Once the update is complete, the standalone version of Warzone will be located at C:\Warzone\Standalone[32or64]\Warzone.exe.

So far only been tested on Windows 64-bit; if you have a 32-bit system and it works correctly, feel free to say that it works.
Warzone Standalone Windows Updater: 2018-06-10 02:47:34

Level 59
Did you use PyInstaller for this?
Warzone Standalone Windows Updater: 2018-06-10 07:11:19

Level 63
No, used py2exe.
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