Yeah, that confuses the hell out of me too. How did he get from Melbourne, Victoria, to North America with a car alone in the first place? Is it some kind of amphibious vehicle?
Paugers is reported missing in his hometown: 2018-06-17 02:32:14
''He's 18, he's not 12, it's not running away, it's moving without informing your family. Perfectly legal to do at 18. ''
Well nigra when you skip out on family obligations, abandon your vehicle and sell off your shit and then fail to return within the time parameter you set for your return its suspicious. You'd be the most incompetent detective of all time, I mean fuck imagine a family comes to you with a similar story and you just brush it off and the kid turned up dead 2 weeks later you'd look real fuckin stupid then.
Paugers is reported missing in his hometown: 2018-06-17 18:33:43