August 18th update
Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, I've been a little busy. Check below for some exciting new developments!
Group A
Deadman 3-0
Beren 3-1
Timinator 1-0
master of desaster 3-2
Buns 2-4
Master Jz 1-3
FlyingBender 1-4
No changes among the top 3 players, but master of desaster gains ground with 2 straight wins. Buns, Jz, and Bender are all in the running for relegation. Timinator is still a wild card since he has finished only 1 game.
Group B
Phoenix 4-1 PROMOTION!
Dom 365 3-3 (dropping out of the league)
Min34 2-2
Krzysztof 2-4
Andersault 1-4 (dropping out of the league)
Hunta 1-4
Timon has beaten everyone that can possible challenge him and claimed first place in the group! We will see if he can go 6-0. Phoenix is also now permanently in 2nd place, and also earns a promotion. It's too early to call relegations yet because there are 2 dropouts from this group.
Group C1
awesomeusername 3-1 PROMOTION or PROMOTION PLAYOFF
krunx 3-1
Don [ Ω ] 2-3 (dropping out of the league)
ᚾᛁᚢᚱᛏ 1-4 (1-0)
almosttricky 1-4 (1-0) RELEGATION
JV and awesomeusername are first and second place. Who is 1st and who is 2nd will be determined by their h2h game. krunx is in 3rd, but with 2 dropouts from group B, promotion might be possible. With a dropout from this group, I really doubt I will relegate ᚾᛁᚢᚱᛏ.
Group C2
Edge 5-1 (1-0) WINNER! PROMOTION!
Doron Hoh 2-2
Maréchal Lannes, duc de Montebello 3-2
The Adversary 2-3
Dry-clean-only 1-3
Jefferspin 0-6 RELEGATION
MIFRAN beats Doron Hoh, which put him in 2nd place. I think 2nd place in a C group will be promotion without the need of a playoff due to dropouts from B.
Group D1
[WG] Reza 2-1
Matt431 2-2
Bigchps 2-3
Milly 2-2
graemes 1-4 RELEGATION
Matt431 defeats Bigchps, which now puts him into 3rd place.
Group D2
Math wolf 3-0
Mike |GG| 2-0
Rocky 3-1
Mirror 1-1
BADA 2-2
Platinum 2-3
Robert E Lee 0-6 RELEGATION
Math wolf and Rocky gets a win and Platinum and BADA get a loss.
Group E1
Xenophon 4-1
kicorse 4-1
ferede 2-1
Ƨillynamenace 2-3
[*Voo*] tomn555 2-3
{{NeRo}} 2-4
Waddles 1-4
Ƨillynamenace, [*Voo*] tomn555, and Waddles all lose one and win one. Nero and Xenophon both get a loss. kicorse and ferede both get a win. Xenophon, kicorse, and ferede are all vying for the promotion spots.
Group E2
Baer 4-0
Cowboy 3-0
Hasdrubal 1-1
Pink 1-1
Tof 1-2
butterfly94 0-2
Coyote151 0-4
Baer and Cowboy both defeat Tof, and Pink get her first victory over coyote. Baer and Cowboy are undisputed 1st and 2nd at this point, although they can still be challenged.
Group E3
Nemo 3-0
pumpinhead 2-0
Star of the East 3-2
Cata Cauda 1-2
ARand0mPlayer 1-1
Hostile 0-5 RELEGATION (dropping out of the league)
Star of the East beats Cata Cauda which is good enough for 3rd place at this point.
Group F1
Mar3i 3-2 (1-1) (2-0) PROMOTION!
Rubin 3-2 (1-1) (1-1)
le Marseillais 3-2 (1-1) (0-2)
s1gmoyd 0-5 RELEGATION? (dropping out of the league)
FINISHED. Results from the tiebreaker tournament are in! Mar3i claims victory with 2-0, Rubin 2nd with 1-1, and le Marseillais with 0-2. They will be 2nd, 3rd, and 4th places respectively. Mar3i gets promoted and Rubin will be next in line if there is an extra promotion.
Link to tiebeaker F2
seruM 2-2
Koopa Troopa 2-2
ssese 1-2
petruski 1-3
Doc 1-2
Okay, so this group has really started moving since the last update. Congrats to Half Moon who promotes with a perfect 5-0! There aren't any strong contenders for 2nd place, but seruM has the edge with 2-2 and a win against Koopa.
Group F3
MoneyMakingMitch 5-0 WINNER! PROMOTION!
sloppyfatginger 5-1 PROMOTION!
Etienne 1-3
In4fun 2-3
Coronel Gavilan 3-3
Weatherman900 2-4
Kevin Turner 1-5 RELEGATION?
sloppyfatginger wins again, which earns him 2nd place and a promotion! Etienne loses 2. Coronel Gavilan wins his final game.
Group G1
Menda 4-1 (1-0) WINNER! PROMOTION!
Bayern München is the best! 4-1 (0-1) PROMOTION!
Wiz Wizz Wizznson 3-2 (1-0)
vizkr 3-2 (0-1)
Mosvart 1-4
Jo Jo 0-5
FINISHED. Bayern München is the best! pull off his last 2 games to grab 2nd place and promote to F!
Group G2
Lucien Müller 5-0 WINNER! PROMOTION!
machine-washed bliss 3-1
TianO 1-2
tokloid 2-3
Hypothet 2-3
Bman34 0-4
Lucien gets a perfect 5-0 victory! machine-washed bliss is in 2nd for now, but TianO could still win his last 2 games to get 2nd.
Group G3
NoobSchool (AHoL) • apex 3-1 PROMOTION!
Angel Bob 2-2
pacifist 1-3
Cato 0-4
Group G4
Meldarion 3-1 PROMOTION?
Le Count H 3-1 PROMOTION?
chiger 3-1 PROMOTION?
PresidentMDW 1-3
Nostromo 0-4
FINISHED. Holding off on a tiebreaker here to see if we need one.
Group G5
Andre Lafmöller 4-0 WINNER! PROMOTION!
Gyver 2-1
Dimitris_Wingo 1-2
DrowningManatee 2-2
Twyla 0-4
Only 1 game left: Gyver vs Dimitris_Wingo. Either Gyver wins and claims 2nd place, or Dimitris wins and creates a 3 way tie for 2nd place between Gyver, Dimitris, and DrowningManatee.
Waiting list
Bob Grenderman
Edited 8/18/2018 05:18:35