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What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-26 11:21:31

Aerial Assault 
Level 60
I haven't played much lately and decided to browse through open tournaments to see about joining a few. There are only four available, all coin-based. Didn't there used to be many more than that? Or am I missing something with Unity that's preventing me from seeing a list of open tourneys?
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-26 11:55:44

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
There are very few open tourn.s now.

Ladders and quickmatch probably reduced their number
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-26 12:22:50

Roi Joleil
Level 61
when creating a tournament you can do it either privatly or public tho doing a public tournament cost coins and thats why pretty much everyone privatly invite other people and you only see those 4 coin tournament as your not inv to any other tournament. i can see 15 tournaments due to getting inv.. all none coin games

Edited 6/26/2018 12:23:01
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-26 12:34:09

Level 63
The only reason why tournaments cost coins now is because of there were loads of tournaments and none of them filling/starting.
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-26 13:35:01

Level 63
There were nearly 300 open tournaments just sitting there, stagnating, and they were never going to start. This is a bad experience for everyone involved -- tournament creators would create a tournament and never get to play in it or see it start. People joining tournaments would come to the page, and either get overwhelmed with choices or they'd see one they wanted to join, join it, and then never get to play.

We want all open tournaments to start within a reasonable amount of time. For this to happen, the ratio of people creating to joining tournaments needs to be reasonable. For example, for each person that creates a 500 person tournament, there needs to be 500 people willing to join tournaments. (1:500 ratio). This wasn't the case before, clearly, as evidenced by having tens of thousands of unfilled tournament seats.

Due to this Fizzer decided that you shouldn't just be able to create open tournaments. They now cost coins to make. If my memory serves me right there is also a limited amount of open tournaments that can be open at the same time (but not 100% of this).
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-26 19:45:44

Level 61
Join AWP Tour and you will get tourney invitation once per week.
Or join more active clan.

Edited 6/26/2018 19:45:59
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-27 02:04:08

Level 65
join Celtica we do alot of tournaments you will get invites
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-27 13:10:37

Aerial Assault 
Level 60
Folks, thanks for each and every one of those helpful responses - and not one of them snarky even though I freely admitted I was clueless! :) I did have a hunch that coins were going to figure into the answer; Fizzer's rationale set forth above makes enough superficial sense that I don't need to consume mental energy delving into whether I like it or not.

To those of you who suggested joining a more active clan - thanks, point taken. My clan was a relatively early one in WL history but it's had a lot of member falloff and I don't know if that will be reversed anytime soon.

I had been considering joining another clan even before I understood the correlation between tournament membership and clan invites, but I wouldn't want my clan to dissolve (I'm a manager) or abandon it or anything like that.

So one more question if I might: can a player belong to more than one clan? Because if so, then I'd be very happy to join Celtica, thanks, celticfringe.
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-27 13:47:46

Level 61
You need to create an alt for this.
And CORP would warmly welcome you, too :)
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-28 07:46:30

Aerial Assault 
Level 60
Thanks, psykkoman! :) I am really showing my ignorance of behind-the-scenes WL stuff here, but . . . are alts permitted? I thought they were disallowed.
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-28 21:39:20

Level 65
you would need an alt to be in 2 clans
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-28 22:58:03

Level 63
Alts are only an issue if they're being used to gain an advantage in games (ladder, CLOT and normal games) or if they're being used to bypass a suspension.
What happened to all the tournaments?: 2018-06-30 10:19:15

Aerial Assault 
Level 60
Understood. Thanks, folks. Appreciate all of the replies.
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