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is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-14 02:42:25

The Furious Logan
Level 27
im not that big a fan of voice chat however i do want to join a clan at some point in time is there one out there that dose not use Discord or any type of voice chat?
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-14 03:10:25

Level 64
all of the inactive ones
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-14 03:47:48

Mista Sista
Level 57
No one uses voice chat in the general discord, nor do we use it in CORP. If you can prove that you can pass CORP requirements, we would gladly welcome you into the clan and the discord.
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-14 04:44:04

Level 64
Using discord is more for writing like he said and even if you do not use DISCORD at all, most clans would accept you if you meet their requirements in terms of skills and/or type of games you play.
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-14 04:56:25

The Furious Logan
Level 27
oh ok as i do not have a Discord but your saying that a clan would still take me in.
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-14 15:48:18

Dutch Desire 
Level 60
CORP is still using a warzone game lobby as main clan chat. We do have a discord server but using it is voluntarily, with less then half of the members ever using it.
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-15 07:14:24

Level 59
^ also the CORP Discord is peculiar in that the users on Discord are not the same as themselves on Warzone. All our Discord accounts are actually run by our siblings.
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-15 08:53:52

Level 56
diScOrD iS gr8 fAm

Edited 7/15/2018 08:54:06
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-15 09:21:01

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65
Viw have discord but i never used it. For trolling games chats are enought

Edited 7/15/2018 09:21:21
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-30 04:43:07

The Furious Logan
Level 27
oh ok
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-30 21:28:47

Math Wolf 
Level 64
Stats doesn't use discord.
We communicate through significant p-values of locally optimized generalized linear regression models of which the covariates are selected with MCMC out of millions of random variables generated by either SAS macros or R Shiny (user's choice).

Or we sometimes also just send PMs or makes games like over 90% of clans?
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-30 22:26:30

Level 60
title "Discord Use";
title2 "Clans Dummy";
proc reg data=disc.reg;
model Discord= MH Stats WG GG Masters Lynx Outlaws OtherClan Skills Active Age / clb acov;
test MH Stats Lynx;

Edited 7/30/2018 22:26:49
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-31 00:21:08

Level 59
No one uses voice chat in the general discord, nor do we use it in CORP. If you can prove that you can pass CORP requirements, we would gladly welcome you into the clan and the discord.

I can only imagine why!?
is there a clan that dose not use Discord?: 2018-07-31 14:59:55

Level 61
We use discord, it is very helpful for communication. but we have a couple players not on there, so I do important updates in a mail thread. we don't do chat games anymore, they are a pain mostly.

So, we would not require someone to be on discord, but we do only take people that are more proven than the author of this thread.
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