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On the end screen, press the up arrow once; this will return you to the last order of the last turn; the game hadn't ended there yet, so incomes are still shown. (Usually, this will not be an actual order, but an "announcement": Player X was eliminated or Player X got (a piece of) a Y card. If it is indeed a real order then maybe (if it is an attack which succeeded and completed or broke a bonus), you still have to manually correct for its results.
That having been said, I still think it would be a lot more convenient if the game did this automatically. What I described above is just a temporary solution (also known as a work-around), not a suggestion to drop your idea.
Oh, and no, this is not the right way to make suggestions. While discussing things on the forum can be a useful way to fine-tune suggestions before making them "official", making suggestions here "doesn't count". To really propose your idea, go to [Uservoice]( and post it there. (There really isn't any way you could've known this; while it is described on the [WL Wiki](, that page is [rather difficult to find](