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QM Auto-Imp Rome Multi-day- 2 questions: 2018-07-31 16:56:46

Level 62
What determines who gets the initial first move?
Is there a link where I can go to learn the algorithm of how the pairings are set up for the multi-day games?
QM Auto-Imp Rome Multi-day- 2 questions: 2018-07-31 17:21:37

Roi Joleil
Level 60
"What determines who gets the initial first move?"

Random move order: Every turn its decided random.

Cyclic: At the beginning of the game its decided random and then its cycles back and forth. so ABBAAB.

No Luck Cyclic: Whoever does his first turn faster in the first turn / dist phase gets first order and then it cycles back and forth.

Look at the setting wich move order is used.

Edited 7/31/2018 17:21:57
QM Auto-Imp Rome Multi-day- 2 questions: 2018-08-01 13:40:46

Level 62
Is there a link where I can go to learn the algorithm of how the pairings are set up for the multi-day games?
QM Auto-Imp Rome Multi-day- 2 questions: 2018-08-01 17:57:54

Level 64

Warzone Creator
View the settings of any game, click "View full settings" and look for the "Move order" line.
QM Auto-Imp Rome Multi-day- 2 questions: 2018-08-02 13:07:50

Level 62
Sorry I was unclear. What I want to know, is how is it determined who plays who? Obviously some algorithm tries to pair you for games with others that are close to your rating on the specific QM leaderboard. I am just curious to see, or learn about that algorithm.
QM Auto-Imp Rome Multi-day- 2 questions: 2018-08-03 01:56:15

Roi Joleil
Level 60
i would just guess that it looks at your rating (XY) and then searches in the rating XY -/+ 20 if someone else wants to play a game at that moment.
QM Auto-Imp Rome Multi-day- 2 questions: 2018-08-03 02:13:09

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
I think fizzer described that rt qm tries to pair you up based off of closest ratings first, and then gradually widens its search radius until it finds a match.
QM Auto-Imp Rome Multi-day- 2 questions: 2018-08-06 19:48:01

It is Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon
Level 5
That is why sometimes, if you wait longer for a game it pairs up with a big rating difference.
MD match up is similar, but because many players are available, most of the times the rating difference isn't that big.
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