..but one thing stands true towards the end of every seasonal : whatever template always turns into a boring grind at the end. Playing 20 straight games on any template is annoying at the least, and while the idea of rotating templates every season is nice, it quickly loses any glamour as the season progresses. by Cowboy
No, 20 games is not boring grind, its just you.
I agree with Kicorse on
novel features, I do not understand what new seasonal winner - Volcano Island - has to offer in that sense. Pretty much 1v1 ladder template on different map? But it was community favorite by current voting procedure. Rejecting standard templates has my support.
But, playing 4-5 different templates on seasonal would be problematic (at least for me). I would not put that much time to investigate, study and play 4-5 different settings. I would quite then. Playing 1 template 20 times is not that much, its just perfect. Few plays to get the basics and rest games to master. Neither seasonal should be lesser version of MDL.