Last time I checked the only other forumposting warzoner from Pennsylvania on this site is knyte. And the eerily similar grammar constructs, as well as the complete lack of regard for what I said how spamming this thread only delays the chance of you getting coins, are two telltale traits that pretty much verify firefoxbugtester == Logan.
just because before firefox came there where only two players from pa that posted here is not evidence(also THE TungstenTrex is also from pa) so it seems there are more players from pa that post here than you thought. also just because are grammar is the the same dosent mean we are the same player how we act is different i am a well thought out player when i reply. firefox is a spammer and sometimes plays games.
so as you can see fcc Aura Guardians points fall apart and i expect a formal apology from him and anyone else who claimed that i was firefoxbugtester.