I don't get how people can forget that apostrophe. Without it, it is not a verb. This is interesting. Do you use less verbs in your dialect?
Let me give you a lesson in southern hospitality, German. If you ever come across someone from south of the Mason-Dixon line completely disregard their improper english and you may find yourself enjoying the finer points of ya'll and reckon. You may even find yourself hearing stories of moonshine liquor being brewed in Tennessee mountains and rum runners shooting at would be federal agents or the tunnels that were built to get the africans north. Then you can wile us with a tale of hiding a jew in your closet and the secret romance you shared or the brew you PERFECTED when your favorite German team won the futbal match.
If someone is coming at my back sucker punch them in the face. ¿Entiendes lo que digo?
Edited 8/21/2018 20:23:11