And then of course there remains Mueller and the report he is working on to detail his findings about Russia's interference in the 2016 election, the possibility of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and whether or not Trump may have obstructed the investigation being run out of the FBI.
We don't know the hour -- or the day -- the Mueller report will be released. But that may be the only hour that could eclipse the disastrous 60 minutes Trump endured on Tuesday.
I agree. Trump should be impeached. Bill Clinton had his highest approval rating ever (73%) at the height of his impeachment hearings. Trump could use the boost.
Anyways, Trump is the most popular president in the history of the country among republicans since scientific polling started. 84%-90% of Republicans approve of the job he is doing. I imagine the rest are undecided.
Even if the Republican controlled congress wanted to impeach Trump they would never get re-elected. The system is working as intended.
Trump's aggregate approval rating is -8.4 while Obama's approval at this point in his presidency was -2.4. That is a 6 point gap which isn't that big difference. 43% approval is not bad if you consider how polarized the country is.