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Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-22 14:51:53

Level 58
The Furious Logan: Hello their guys im haveing a stream tonight and im going to stream the way trolldemort dose.

Emi Cat: Hey, is anyone there? My life is hard. :( Ayuda! *Posts extremely long paragraph in Spanish knowing most people don't understand it*

Nauzhror: *Gets into debate with someone* Are you going to cite any evidence for that claim or are you going to simply talk out of your ass?

IRiseYouFall: *Posts extremely effortless clan recruitment thread* ACME is the best clan humanity created. If anyone is interested in a clan, we are recruiting.

WallyBalls: *Posts random political article and meme pics*

Sound of Silence: ?
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-22 14:58:37

Level 56
tuddduiza helo
gise wots up letts post this on the genral fourum becaus ban dounvots it whhen its on oftoppic. he sold get baned
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-22 16:26:11

Level 64
Bane: hello.
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-22 16:31:53

Level 64
*half the forum looses their shit*

“Upvote that man! Upvote him!”
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-22 19:20:04

Level 61
ah too bad my threads don't work
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-22 19:41:14

Level 53
Bane: <downvotes every comment by The Furious Logan>
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 00:15:02

Cata Cauda
Level 59
Tabby: Autism is not a mental disease.
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 03:39:43

Level 53
Meow!Meow!...Meow!: SPAM SPAM SPAM
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 15:34:01

Level 49
I haven't seen tabby in ages
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 16:04:35

Level 58
Tabby was cool; I loved his autism supremacy stint.

Edited 8/23/2018 16:04:46
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 16:21:43

The Furious Logan
Level 27
The Furious Logan: Hello their guys im haveing a stream tonight and im going to stream the way trolldemort dose.

yea i do some of the stuff he dose but i also do my own stuffs.
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 17:01:13

Level 58
Do you actually meet any of your clans requirements?

"House Lannister will exclusively welcome skilled players, we don't train noobs...hang them."


"- 1v1 winrate >= 60%
- 2v2 and 3v3 winrates >= 55%"

Not even fucking close.

"- Decent English skills (if you can't tell the difference between "your" and
"you're", quit Warzone and go get educated)"


"- Minimum level 50 (exceptions may apply)"

Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 17:48:30

Level 59
Tabby: HaVe YoU hEaRd AbOuT HBD?!?!

Pichu: Charles Manson was ultra-cute, intelligent, and well-spoken. People said he was a mad cult leader, but I think he just made them angry by disagreeing with them. I miss him.

Wally Balls: Trump alert! Trump alert! He's gonna get impeached next week, it's all exposed. Maybe now the inbred idiots that voted for him will realize they voted in a bumbling treasonous moron. 'Cause you frickin fricks, you frickin fricks, your fantasies can't ever be quenched, can they? When will you learn, when will you learn, that elections have CONSEQUENCES?!

Rogue Nikolai Krogius (aka "Strategery"): Stupid liberals said Trump probably wasn't gonna get elected. Now they say he's a traitor. Next week they'll make up something about him having cheated on all his wives, including the current First Lady. They just want us to live in a communist hellscape so I have to warn all these online Risk players about cultural Marxists. Everything is a meme.

Nauzhror: You're a fucking moron, how do you even manage to not kill yourself trying to get out of bed in the morning? Yes I think I'm better than you, but that's not because I'm arrogant- it's because you're blatantly stupid and everything you say only makes it more evident that you're this scientific miracle, the first person to manage to survive without a central nervous system.

Cata Cauda: What's this "American cheese"? It should be called US-AmeriKKKan cheese. You fools can't even tell your country apart from a continent or understand that the age of consent should be lowered to 4 like it is in civilized Europa.

Benjamin628: You're why I quit playing Warzone. Join Hydra!

maayan: *laughs in downvote brigade*

Math Wolf: *begins by discussing Warzone, but ends up talking about the scientific literature on Bayesian inference and human biases*

squiggles/anonym/fissel/Sexy Moroccan Lady/Attractive White Riffian Berber Woman/Hazel Eyes Raven Dragon/totallynotbanevasion: your mom is snoke from the last jedi. boom. pwned. don't make me unleash another s*am a**a*k. *furiously private messages any female player he can find*

Edited 8/23/2018 18:17:58
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 17:51:50

The Last Kiss
Level 55
Huge black dicks? I heard those steal women from him.

I loved that Tabby expected people to just guess what HBD meant without him clarifying that he meant human biodiversity.

Edited 8/23/2018 17:53:43
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 19:24:00

Level 58
knyte just won this thread
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 20:16:29

HamButtFace(☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
Level 57
Here i thought 4chan threads were cancer

Edited 8/23/2018 20:19:39
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-23 20:18:03

HamButtFace(☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
Level 57
*4chan is still worse kek*
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-24 00:40:57

Cata Cauda
Level 59
Cata Cauda: What's this "American cheese"? It should be called US-AmeriKKKan cheese. You fools can't even tell your country apart from a continent or understand that the age of consent should be lowered to 4 like it is in civilized Europa.

14 years, not 4 years.
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-24 00:50:56

Rogue NK
Level 59
I didn't even vote for Trump and I still don't like his brand/ image.

Everything else is true and hilarious.
Impersonate forum users *No flaming*: 2018-08-24 03:13:45

Level 59
I'm just hoping people get the SammyClassicSonicFan reference in the Wally Balls part. I'm particularly proud of coming up with that, even though it only required changing a couple of words from the original. But that's the voice I read any Wally Balls post in.
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