WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-03 11:12:25 |
Furious Lukasz
Level 3
Why Fizzer is going out for hookers instead of BUYING A NEW SERVER?
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-03 11:40:12 |
Level 50
Qaddafi is back! And he wants to troll the forum once again!
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-04 21:59:05 |
Furious Lukasz
Level 3
You've never seen a troll kid. You probably dont even know what that is. And I ask serious: WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE MONEY MEMBERS PAID AND WHY IS WARLIGHT SO SLOW ALMOST ALL THE TIME?
Perhaps Fizzer could show us what is he spending all the money earned here on?
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-04 22:20:52 |
Level 50
Warlight is never slow on my computer. Check your internet connection before you start offending the guy who spend four years of his life to people like you. He could have earned way more money with this by adding ads to the site, or let people pay for membership per month instead of for the lifetime. But he doesn't, he wants to make this a free site, and it is not fair of you to claim that the creator is doing nothing to make this site the best for you.
And here's what the English dictionary says about "troll"
troll 1 (trəʊl)
— vb
1. angling
a. to draw (a baited line, etc) through the water, often from a boat
b. to fish (a stretch of water) by trolling
c. to fish (for) by trolling
2. to roll or cause to roll
3. archaic to sing (a refrain, chorus, etc) or (of a refrain, etc) to be sung in a loud hearty voice
4. informal ( Brit ) ( intr ) to walk or stroll
5. homosexual slang ( intr ) to stroll around looking for sexual partners; cruise
6. slang ( intr ) computing to post deliberately inflammatory articles on an internet discussion board
— n
7. the act or an instance of trolling
8. angling a bait or lure used in trolling, such as a spinner
9. slang computing a person who submits deliberately inflammatory articles to an internet discussion
[C14: from Old French troller to run about; related to Middle High German trollen to run with short steps]
troll 2 (trəʊl)
— n
(in Scandinavian folklore) one of a class of supernatural creatures that dwell in caves or mountains and are depicted either as dwarfs or as giants
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-04 22:41:43 |
Level 56
Warlight never runs slow on my computer; and I have Dial-Up with a 5 year old computer.
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-04 22:57:05 |
Level 63
@ Why Fizzer is going out for hookers instead of BUYING A NEW SERVER?
I understand him. Your sister is tooooo good.
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-04 23:16:43 |
Level 56
Don't let trolls get you down Randy, keep up the good work and may the Warlight be with you!
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-04 23:24:11 |
Ace Windu
Level 58
You have Dial-up? o.O
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-05 00:04:43 |
Level 6
My folks just got off dial up last year. They had to move closer to a city to get anything else.
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-05 02:45:12 |
[WM] Dazed & Insane
Level 50
WL isn't slow and yes you are a troll Q, you always have been. Thought Fiz had permabanned you. And what money from members? Their aren't that many of us, most are freeloaders like you. Can't even spare $30 for a lifetime members? pathetic considering the time you and others put into this game.
WARLIGHT OVERLOADED and the hookers case: 2012-03-05 03:04:06 |
Level 55
I'm a little shocked that the folklore definition is that low, did you edit it that way? or was it listed as the second definition? the fishing/Internet definition are the same root, hmm, now I have to go find my dictionary