Is it only me, because the dreams I remember seem to be deja vu....
Ex. I had a warlight 2v2 scenario, something where I was forced to be orange, I did this weird move, stacking everything, defending nothing, broke a bonus and the team surrendered. It came true like a month later. Just me?
when I am up late playing and I stared to fall a sleep and I am in that semi wake semi sleep state I visualize myself playing a game where I am winning but keep making stupid mistakes and lose the whole thing. Usually in the final round of a tourney >.<
I think for many of us it would actually be unusual *not* to have a dream about Warlight, since many of us check WL at least once a day, and hence it plays a relatively big role in our life.
I had a WL related dream once, but all i remember from the dream wass me scrolling through the 2v2 ladder list :/
Dreams use symbolism. You are not dreaming about warlight, WL is just a medium to frame a thought about something else.
D. I dont remember dreams but in the same way that somtimes I wake up and know that i need to wake my girlfriend up, I sometimes wake up and need to invite ruthless bastard to a game.
I had a dream Pulsey hacked my account and spammed the forum. I tried to edit/clear the posts, but it wouldn't let me.
I also had one where I was walking on the surface of the ME map, apparently my color was purple. Ah yes, and there was a glass ceiling above me, the laptop/computer screen, maybe?
I find that just as Im drifting off to sleep, my subconscious will give me a big kick in the kidneys telling me I need to go and change a move. I would win more often if I could get my subconscious to make all my moves. But its lazy and prefers to think about sex.
I had one where I was in some huge war room and there were a bunch of players getting ready to play a warlight boardgame tournament. It seemed very grand at the time, but now just sounds silly.
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