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Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 11:50:39

Level 63
I didn't post any negative content! And I spent a lot of time on my thread... I am curious why it got deleted :/
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 13:39:30

Level 63
Probably violated the rules.
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 14:07:21

Level 56
dan 100% did it
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 14:17:01

Level 63
I am unaware of any rules I may have broken... I would like to be made aware so I don't have future posts revoked.

edit: I spent a decent amount of time so I also wish I had a heads up or a reason as to why it got deleted

Edited 9/30/2018 14:17:36
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 14:28:22

Level 63
Did your title contain all caps?
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 14:43:51

Level 57
thanks min that was exactly my problem i suppose

also i dont know why it is common knowledge that there are these forum trolls who mass downvote to take down threads... seems a little broken
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 14:49:44

Level 59
^ Why'd you use a plural there? It's basically just one guy that does that and often gets his friend to tag along.
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 15:05:26

Level 58
Kinda weird to me that a quality thread would be deleted if it's all caps, when there should instead be an option for someone to edit the title to lowercase. If Tacky didn't have a copy of the original text the situation would have been bad.
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 16:14:52

Level 63
not to name names (MAYAAN) but I cant report anyone because no proof. I'm sure admins/Fizzer could look into it though, if they wished to
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 17:03:14

Cata Cauda
Level 59
^ Why'd you use a plural there? It's basically just one guy that does that and often gets his friend to tag along.

Why does he even still have his voting rights to begin with?
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-09-30 17:11:44

master of desaster 
Level 66
These injuns at it again. They are too high on numbers
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-10-01 14:03:57

It is Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon
Level 5
Is it stupidity or some mental illness? Even if it is a speculation, there should be some logic for it.

At this time Fairplay Boy(last seen 1d 21 hours- https://www.warzone.com/profile?p=8288678225 ), Toua (2d 21 hours- https://www.warzone.com/profile?p=3985525235), Sakata (2d 21 hours- https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=1388752514) , Lightning ( 8d- https://www.warzone.com/profile?p=2671367963 ), (8d- https://www.warzone.com/profile?p=1990357861) , John (7d 23 hours- https://www.warzone.com/profile?p=8187839677 ), Rin (15d- https://www.warzone.com/profile?p=6883205138 ) and all other alt accounts (I can keep on writing with increasing time of last seen) are last seen before your post .

How can someone inactive down vote your posts? You wrote *** Title *** for a moderator(most probably) to down vote that particular post, which you though as mass-down voting and seems it later changed to just Title. You can report and check the reason; in this case, you can directly ask Fizzer-if you feel reporting with no proof will not work.

You're probably thinking I down voted your recruitment post for your clan, as you think I may consider it a cheating clan (remembering that I asked you whether you a recreated game from CL8, with custom scenario and played with another player) or something like that, but no-I don't think like that and I didn't down vote it. I saw the posts and that's all. If I down vote- I will say directly and many others would've received a mail request for down voting, with a reason(maybe).

P.S: Ofc., I love those who create such stupid rumors.

Edited 10/1/2018 14:27:32
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-10-01 16:59:06

│ [20] │MASTER│ Rikku │ I love my wife │ • apex │
Level 61
Would an innocent person be so frantic to defend themselves????
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-10-01 17:46:14

Level 64
having voting rights is pretty nice
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-10-01 17:54:53

Level 57
well i have no proof i did not mean to accuse anyone, and i am sorry to have upset you.

edit: it is very likely a moderator downvoted my post due to the title, but usually they will just edit or delete the thread itself. it was downvoted, after my friends and i upvoted it was up again. then it got downvoted. while i was trying to upvote it got deleted. this is what happened and that is why i felt frusturated, because it seemed like there was an increasing number of downvotes. sorry for any misunderstanding or negative attitude

second edit: no mental illnesses here, that i know of.

Edited 10/1/2018 18:06:00
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-10-01 18:04:26

Level 59
Yeah maybe a mod did it; I think that's the most likely scenario. I don't really know why someone would mass downvote such an innocent thread. If it wasn't a mod, I'm sorry, I really have no idea. I just don't understand the situation very well. Who could have done it?

I really think the title should have just been changed to lowercase if it was deleted for uppercase, but I've said that before. Maybe titles can't be edited? Idk either way it's kinda weird.

Edited 10/1/2018 19:03:34
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-10-02 15:57:01

Level 58
P.S: Ofc., I love those who create such stupid rumors.

U better use ur alts to start upvoting my posts from now on bro, else those rumors will never stop!
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-10-02 21:33:39

Level 61
Kinda weird to me that a quality thread would be deleted if it's all caps, when there should instead be an option for someone to edit the title to lowercase. If Tacky didn't have a copy of the original text the situation would have been bad.

As far as I'm aware, forum moderators can edit the titles of threads; so they could edit them to lower-case.
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-10-02 21:46:45

Level 49
Why was my thread deleted?: 2018-10-04 16:01:38

It is Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon
Level 5
Would an innocent person be so frantic to defend themselves????

My bad; I gave my login details for all players in all clans I am in, to play CL games for me and someone writes like this in forum.

it is very likely a moderator downvoted my post due to the title, but usually they will just edit or delete the thread itself. it was downvoted, after my friends and i upvoted it was up again. then it got downvoted. while i was trying to upvote it got deleted. this is what happened and that is why i felt frusturated, because it seemed like there was an increasing number of downvotes. sorry for any misunderstanding or negative attitude

No problems and yes, since it was your recruitment post, it will be frustrating to see that and if it happens like this next time, I can upvote(not with alts) your post :)

U better use ur alts to start upvoting my posts from now on bro, else those rumors will never stop!

Not until you bring Mike back.
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