The ranking of the players with more then 100 games. Data from yesterday. (The formatting is not perfect, so read with care and don't follow the 'vertical' lines blindly. Silly players with long or short names)
Bonus Facts:
Median Rating ladder 1504.5
Avg R. Ladder 1499.985765
Avg. num games 50.17081851
Avg. Rating for 100+Game 1603
Avg. Win% for 100+Game 0.519259259
The average player having 50 games surprised me.
Rank Name Elo + - games score oppo.
1 Nutella 2105 78 72 104 75% 1857
2 Equivoque 2092 62 58 154 75% 1850
3 Octane 2047 66 62 128 70% 1849
4 fireice82 2002 72 69 100 64% 1864
5 JoJo 2001 56 54 168 68% 1839
6 Olaris 1976 57 55 159 65% 1831
7 georgie 1960 51 49 194 65% 1815
8 ShowNoMercy 1937 56 55 154 62% 1828
9 Darktremor 1917 59 58 138 59% 1832
10 Stales78 1914 57 56 149 61% 1813
11 RynoFury 1890 65 64 107 55% 1847
12 Bigchps147 1865 51 50 186 58% 1796
13 JaponeSafado 1856 65 64 111 53% 1825
14 Baer 1844 66 65 102 51% 1835
15 Gonzalo 1814 55 54 173 61% 1692
16 mmasterwar 1811 68 67 102 51% 1804
17 DoubleD 1808 62 61 131 57% 1711
18 merfi9 1802 50 50 184 50% 1800
19 SovereignJHG50 1791 65 65 109 50% 1797
20 Breaker 1764 67 68 100 49% 1775
21 Jenny 1750 49 49 198 53% 1726
22 chriger 1744 65 63 124 63% 1612
23 BusinessClass 1742 62 63 122 42% 1817
24 Gaglia 1733 56 55 145 54% 1690
25 Kayn 1732 64 63 121 55% 1670
26 PapaSmurf 1731 63 62 112 54% 1690
27 LegendofthePhoenix 1717 51 51 177 49% 1725
28 Klefaz 1711 49 49 189 50% 1714
29 pharos 1709 44 44 241 54% 1670
30 adiba 1708 45 44 236 54% 1670
31 AndreLaufmller 1700 55 53 162 60% 1607
32 Thrall 1700 67 66 106 54% 1659
33 konglaide 1693 54 54 152 51% 1687
34 SebusMaximus 1688 52 52 167 46% 1728
35 CiceroXXII 1678 63 63 112 48% 1692
36 ssot 1673 47 47 203 49% 1677
37 RobertELee 1655 56 56 147 52% 1631
38 Defekin94 1653 50 49 188 56% 1595
39 Karstark 1640 57 58 145 43% 1705
40 5h1t48r41n5 1635 50 50 179 57% 1574
41 trolltunga 1626 60 60 121 50% 1621
42 Kenraali 1616 60 62 140 38% 1717
43 TheSerpent 1609 60 60 122 47% 1637
44 Malvin 1599 53 52 167 56% 1545
45 Zalasewo 1591 47 47 207 53% 1560
46 Almir 1590 58 58 130 48% 1602
47 BuffoSVK 1581 50 50 188 50% 1577
48 ElDuderino 1574 51 51 171 50% 1576
49 Motm 1572 67 67 103 53% 1540
50 medvet 1571 55 55 149 50% 1565
51 Leo41 1567 56 56 133 50% 1571
52 GENERALBOND 1567 59 60 128 46% 1603
53 Shrike 1546 65 65 104 51% 1535
54 Blortis 1542 64 63 116 57% 1475
55 JM 1528 51 51 177 51% 1519
56 Moustachecashstash 1527 53 53 161 53% 1488
57 Spike 1503 51 51 176 51% 1496
58 Weltmeister 1499 61 60 128 55% 1451
59 IvantheAwesome 1464 60 61 121 46% 1498
60 FCCdman 1457 63 63 118 50% 1456
61 HelmutZdobywca 1447 63 63 113 48% 1465
62 swat 1421 68 66 105 59% 1333
63 Tazobactam 1413 69 68 100 54% 1375
64 Roele 1403 50 50 189 51% 1396
65 CasterMan 1401 70 68 100 61% 1293
66 Cho 1396 63 63 117 52% 1373
67 gardstrom 1370 66 65 111 56% 1321
68 AG 1357 66 69 111 34% 1509
69 Defender 1318 62 63 123 44% 1379
70 Tubaraum 1290 64 63 116 54% 1258
71 Medivac 1278 60 60 140 54% 1242
72 kaneto 1271 61 61 125 50% 1270
73 SilentService 1262 53 53 164 54% 1228
74 VampEZSTreet 1250 64 65 113 43% 1315
75 TheThedde 1236 69 69 100 47% 1273
76 stone 1201 58 59 147 44% 1261
77 ltphoto 1156 56 56 163 40% 1276
78 101stBlowfly 1113 65 66 118 40% 1240
79 fhhh 1057 63 66 146 28% 1293
80 Drackoe 957 75 80 110 25% 1238
81 Wiredawg 929 68 74 138 20% 1287
Edited 10/24/2018 19:55:05