Take Melatonin. You can find it at any Walmart. 3 milligram should do you fine. It literally takes no willpower to just take a pill that will make you sleepy. It is also very cheap.
https://www.google.com/search?q=melatonin+walmart&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS693US712&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiokYPFj6LeAhWNy1MKHXvmCrMQsxgIKw&biw=1366&bih=652It will cost you 4 dollars at walmart plus tax. That is a bargain for 4 months of consistent sleep. And to be honest, it won't take you 4 months to get into a good sleep pattern. Probably only 3 weeks. btw, if you are weaning yourself off of Melatonin then I recommend breaking the tablets in half and then fourths.
Melatonin will
1. Make you fall asleep within 30 minutes to 1 hour. i.e. I think you should start taking it at midnight and then take it 15 to 30 minutes earlier every day.
2. Make you sleep longer.
Side effects
-You might feel sleepy throughout the entire day. So only take Melatonin to get you back on a reasonable sleep schedule and not to maintain a sleep schedule. You can also offset this with Coffee.
-Paranoia. Don't worry. It only lasts for a few hours and only when you take more than 4 miligrams. It is a pretty trippy experience in general though.
"...8 hours of sleep is a luxury. 6 is much more common, afaik." I get 10 hours of sleep minimum. Sometimes 12 and I don't even take Melatonin anymore.
Edited 10/25/2018 17:34:59