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WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 00:49:16

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
So recently I realized out of the blue that the WarGamingLive twitch account is only 4 streams away from being considered a Twitch affiliate which is absolutely cool. I unfortunately don't have time to produce regular content, and outside of the normal WGL every Sunday typically run by Farah, we don't really have many streamers.

This topic is an open discussion. I want to know what you guys want to see on there, what things you think we can improve on, and if any of you guys are interested in helping out with WGL in general. We need all sorts of people and ideas, here's a brainstormed list I made thinking while driving home from work today:

1. Scheduled out live tournaments other than the weekly tournament.
2. Weekly show presenting the changes in the various ladders and events (Think Lolowut's Coffee Break from back in the day without the interview)
3. Streamers that have a specific hour(s) block to use on the channel for live games
4. Clan League game reviews
5. Ladder game reviews
6. Strategy clinics
7. Watching a map creator do his/her thing
8. Coin tournaments

These are off the top of my head, but what kind of things do you guys want to watch? I could make a poll and stuff, but I'd rather an open discussion because, to me, there isn't black and white answers. I know that viewership for the channel has a fanbase that does follow the forums, but there's also the fanbase that just jumps on for the first time. I'm interested in how to make this game interesting enough to drag in those guys while keeping the current base entertained.

Let me know what you guys think!
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 01:24:30

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
Weekly show presenting the changes in the various ladders and events (Think Lolowut's Coffee Break from back in the day without the interview)

Something I have always wanted to do was a wz news show highlighting the happenings in and around warzone. Unfortunately that is something I have never had time for. I would love to see something like this become a reality.

EDIT: In fact, all of these ideas are great.

Edited 11/8/2018 01:25:35
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 01:32:06

Level 60
Unfortunately I already have my own streams and probably won't be able to actually do any content outside of possibly guest starring as a commentator but I am nowhere skilled enough to give that much analysis on these games.

1. Scheduled tournaments I think have lots of potential and other streamers have done those but I would say there needs to be more or it gets stale.

2. Weekly show podcast kinds of things are cool but the issue is I'm not sure how many events and changes you can really talk about

3. Again, I already have my own streams that do that on fridays but those are always fun.

4. Clan league games reviews are always nice to see how every division is doing. Only issue is clan league is almost over now.

5 Ladder game analysis would be cool especially if you find some really interested matches

6. idk what strategy clinics are but if you mean tutorials on how to play the game those are really good one-time things to do

7. I actually love map creation streams and if you can get some big names to join in like maybe lionheart that would be really cool and unique.

8. Coin tournaments are the same as other tourneys imo

These are all my opinions but good luck! I'll be sure to spread the word and help in any way I can
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 01:41:01

Level 59
In response to Aura:

“Warzone News” is an idea I’ve thrown around personally on my channel, specifically WarHole. If something crazy happens we just talk about it. But don’t have a segment or anything. I personally don’t think there is enough “news” that can be showcased.

But if you think of something like that, you should go for it!


Pssh don’t even mention Bane as a creationist? No longer friends.

Edited 11/8/2018 01:43:07
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 01:45:58

Level 60
Bane is not simply a mapmaker...he is a god #blessed
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 01:54:00

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
@trolly: Whenever I was doing Lolowut's Coffee Break, I'd briefly go over the ladders as well as recent interesting games (at the time I was prepping for Clan League constantly so watching competitive ladder games is what you do), the segment would last an hour easily.

It's hard to do a one-time strategy 'class' as there are hundreds of templates and different ways to think about aspects of the game. Dunga ran into that problem whenever he streamed strategic courses.

And yeah, map streams would be creative and unique for sure! I just don't know how many people would bite though..
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 02:14:48

Level 61
This is cool stuff.

I'd like to see televised trials of all CL cheaters. With Judge Judy as guest commentator.

I feel like live tourneys would definitely attract the current more dedicated fanbase and also newcomers who could get interested in participating or in just watching others compete. Strategy discussions would be good for newcomers who are really interested in getting better but I feel those are fewer than people who just want to play/watch others play (i.e. in tourneys), though I could easily be wrong.

Edited 11/8/2018 02:18:25
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 02:23:46

Master Cowboy 
Level 60
The platinum and cowboy show!
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 02:38:29

Aura Guardian 
Level 62
In response to Aura:

“Warzone News” is an idea I’ve thrown around personally on my channel, specifically WarHole. If something crazy happens we just talk about it. But don’t have a segment or anything. I personally don’t think there is enough “news” that can be showcased.

But if you think of something like that, you should go for it!


Pssh don’t even mention Bane as a creationist? No longer friends.

My thought behind said news is to showcase any major changes in ladders, clans (new clans, new players to notable clans, clan league), warzone updates, player spotlights, etc. Its an extension off of the second bullet point of kenny's, which would include all of what he described.
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 04:20:48

Level 60
I'd like to see mods development
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 06:47:00

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
I did a template development stream with Farah when I was creating Blitzkrieg Bork. I think that's a cool thing to do. It generates visibility into the template creation process so that people understand what goes into making a good strategic template.

Edited 11/8/2018 15:47:18
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 15:16:53

Level 62
Tournaments , Clan League talks and the interesting template creation.

The key thing isn't really what you do it's really about doing whatever you do on a consistent basis because it'll track momentum if it's frequently being in the community, people will watch.
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 15:32:36

master of desaster 
Level 66
I agree with plat, as long as the commentators can add some value to the talk. Otherwise it will be just some fun tournament for the streamers and nobody else is really into it
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 15:53:00

Level 61
A month or two ago i wanted to try out this format, but didn't find enough time to do so:

- Get a player who's relatively new in the strategic scene and would like to be on a stream.
- Turn on a stream with said player and play 2 1v1's on a certain template against him and explain him where to improve
- After that, create 2 games against people in the stream. The streamer and new player will pick and play them together
- After those 2, let the new player play one on his own. See the improvements. Rinse and repeat.

Not sure if this would fit on the Wargaminglive channel, just thought it would be a fun format to try.
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 16:19:41

Javier Bolsonarrez
Level 28
+1 Farah
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 16:27:16

Timinator • apex 
Level 67
Back in the days WGL was a place were people could tune in and improve because there were less games shown but those were discussed way more in-depth. nowadays it's just repeating what everyone can see which is kinda unsatisfying in my eyes.
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 16:53:54

Level 63
coin games is a must! attracts more players there is a big difference lol

is WGL now becoming a news broadcast? interesting :D

there are a few map creators that do stream and its rather boring as all hell so let's avoid that

my internet is hardly reliable but I do stream from time to time so I can help, plus I love funding coin tournaments, albeit they're usually small, still something :D (though perhaps fizzer could help in this department)

a regular thing would be awesome just requires organization, and consistency is very important. you really just want people that can discuss the game as in-depth as possible. streamer doesn't necessarily need loads of knowledge but it'd be helpful if the commentators knew what they were talking about :P (that way, anyone can stream, but we'll always have a solid cast of commentators that keep it on-topic)

edit: also what does "twitch affiliate" mean? will the stream be advertised?

Edited 11/8/2018 16:54:45
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 16:57:14

It is Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon
Level 5
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 17:25:19

Level 61
Back in the days WGL was a place were people could tune in and improve because there were less games shown but those were discussed way more in-depth. nowadays it's just repeating what everyone can see which is kinda unsatisfying in my eyes.
I agree with that. Remember the 3v3 EU and Strat ME streams that Sze and Gnuffles used to do? That was more interesting than the tournaments we do now, given that we do indeed repeat what everyone said. I'd vouch to keep the tournaments on a regular basis but have more in-depth streams adding to that.
WGL: What do you want to see?: 2018-11-08 18:01:53

master of desaster 
Level 66
The newbie teaching thing might be more interesting for the streamer and the newbie than for the audience again... No idea might be worth a try
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