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Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-15 03:58:34

Level 58
For anyone who has ever attempted to do large scale analysis on Warzone games, especially using the API, they have likely run into the annoying roadblock that the API provides no information on player ratings or rankings, and hence greatly weakens analysis capabilities.

I have spent the last few weeks compiling a database that will allow anyone who is curious to get player rankings/ratings for any given day in the 1v1 ladder that they were rated/ranked.

The Warzone community has given a lot to me from a data perspective, and I would be more than happy to give back by sharing this data set with anyone who would like it, just shoot me a message if you are interested, or reach out with any questions you might have.

See below for a description of the dataset.


A brief explanation of the 3 tables in the dataset.

Table 1) A Table of all 1v1 ladder games in warzone up to a date I don't rmember off the top of my head but could figure out (it was in the last 1-2 months). This was pulled entirely from the API but was necessary for ease of creation of the next few tables. The table includes...

1) player_1_id: player 1 public profile id

2) player_2_id: player 2 public profile id

3) winner: public profile id of winning player

4) game_end_date: the date the game ended

5) turns: number of turns the game lasted

6) template: template used

Table 2) A table of all players who have ever achieved a rating/rank in the 1v1 ladder. This table includes...

1) player_profile_id: public profile id of the player (same as listed in a game API call)

2) player_1v1_ladder_id: 1v1 ladder team id of the player

3) player_1v1_rating_start_date: date of the first day the player obtained a rating/rank

Table 3) A table of all rating/rank entries ever recorder by warzone/warlight, 1 entry at a time. This table includes...

1) player_profile_id: public profile id of the player (same as listed in a game API call)

2) days_since_initial_rating: the number of days since the player's initial rating/rank was obtained (intitial rating and rank of each player given in table 2)

3) player_1v1_rating: player rating on the number of days since initial rating

4) player_1v1_rank: player rank on the number of days since initial rank

some tables have a column called id, you can ignore this

Edited 11/15/2018 20:19:14
Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-15 04:10:22

Not Tito
Level 58
can you send it to me?
Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-15 04:20:31

Level 58
@Tito Send me a direct message and we can figure out a way to get it to you.
Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-15 10:06:45

Level 61
Are you getting it from the game query, just adding &GetSettings=true at the end? Then pulling the rank/ratings out of the personal message? Or did you figure out some other way to get it?

Either way I'd be interested in getting it. Thanks,
Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-15 14:05:00

Level 63
Can I see how you did it and have a copy of the database?
Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-15 19:58:58

Level 58
I will post a github link with how I did it with neatly commented code in the next few days. It does not involve using the game chat but instead involves a combination of API Calls and then scraping the javascript from player's pages. Again, please send me a private message if you are interested in the database.
Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-15 20:03:31

Level 61
Is the pull easily repeated?

I am a DBA and it would be cool to store it and refresh it periodically
Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-15 20:18:34

Level 58
With some simple reformatting it could be repeated periodically (an AWS-like execution once a month would likely be an easy way to go about this). I would be happy to do this reformatting for you. I am also going to edit the above post with a description of the 3 tables that make up the dataset.
Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-23 13:19:59

Level 63
What does 2.00E+09 mean?
Warzone Rating and Ranking Data: 2018-11-23 13:40:53

Level 60

Edited 11/23/2018 13:41:01
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